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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Thanks all!
Steve Lowe wrote:
Sounds like you've got your priorities in order. I hope you and your marriage emerge stronger from this process.

Thanks Steve, I think it already has become stronger. We are communicating better and better every day. :)

Alex wrote:
Sure, I've noticed your reduced participation. But, life has its priorities. Sometimes IWeThey slips down the list a bit. That's how it goes....Good resolutions! Look at them periodically to keep from straying. :)

Well, to be honest, it's more than just IWT slipping down the list, it's actually been the Internet as a whole. Some days I just don't feel like participating much online, which is odd, really. Maybe I'm needing more time to be introspective with my thoughts? And I promise, I'll keep a copy of my resolutions handy and review them often. :)

Carl wrote:
I had noticed your reduced participation. you have your reasons, and know what they are. that's better than most. keep your priorities in order and you'll be fine.

Thanks Carl. I think I do finally have my priorities in order. :)

Ashton wrote:
Just. Kidding... Hang in there! Brenda; any annoyance you might create in the course of your belated voyage of self-discovery - in any of us who deem to have have achieved satisfiction - is miniscule (on your worst day) compared to, say:...the mere fact that bastards like Cheney continue to have oxygenated blood, to remain out of prison -- and to say the unspeakable. Often.

Thanks Ashton. I always know that I can count on your support. I even sort of consider you to be like my Mentor of IWT, and I'm proud to say I have learned much from you. :)

BTW, it's funny you mention Cheney. I was feeding my bird earlier, and I noticed that the paper lining his playpen had George Bush's face on it.... need I say more? ;) Maybe Sylvy will leave him a "present." ;)

Conrad wrote:
Re: Yeah, we noticed. Good for you, congratulations!

Another Scott wrote:
Good. Make yourself #0, not #7 though. :-)

Thanks, I wasn't really looking at what order they were in, but I'll keep that in mind. :)

Danno wrote:
"Since I joined here, I have always felt like a part of IWT, but also at times have felt like I'm outside the inner circle, or not really accepted overall." Now that you've finally bottomed out (like the entire "inner circle") then you've made it to where we are. You're now in the inner circle. Congratulations! Just don't try to actually keep any of the resolutions. If you start climbing your way back up, you'll only alienate this group. We like life on the bottom.

Hahaha, too funny. :) Thanks, Danno!

dmcarls wrote:
Good luck - come back here whenever you can, we'll save you a seat at the table.

Thanks dmcarl, that's nice to know :)


"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"
Collapse Edited by Nightowl Feb. 14, 2006, 11:01:52 PM EST
Thanks all!
Steve Lowe wrote:
Sounds like you've got your priorities in order. I hope you and your marriage emerge stronger from this process.

Thanks Steve, I think it already has become stronger. We are communicating better and better every day. :)

Alex wrote:
Sure, I've noticed your reduced participation. But, life has its priorities. Sometimes IWeThey slips down the list a bit. That's how it goes....Good resolutions! Look at them periodically to keep from straying. :)

Well, to be honest, it's more than just IWT slipping down the list, it's actually been the Internet as a whole. Some days I just don't feel like participating much online, which is odd, really. Maybe I'm needing more time to be introspective with my thoughts? And I promise, I'll keep a copy of my resolutions handy and review them often. :)

Carl wrote:
your reduced participation. you have your reasons, and know what they are. that's better than most. keep your priorities in order and you'll be fine.

Thanks Carl. I think I do finally have my priorities in order. :)

Ashton wrote:
Just. Kidding... Hang in there! Brenda; any annoyance you might create in the course of your belated voyage of self-discovery - in any of us who deem to have have achieved satisfiction - is miniscule (on your worst day) compared to, say:...the mere fact that bastards like Cheney continue to have oxygenated blood, to remain out of prison -- and to say the unspeakable. Often.

Thanks Ashton. I always know that I can count on your support. I even sort of consider you to be like my Mentor of IWT, and I'm proud to say I have learned much from you. :)

BTW, it's funny you mention Cheney. I was feeding my bird earlier, and I noticed that the paper lining his playpen had George Bush's face on it.... need I say more? ;) Maybe Sylvy will leave him a "present." ;)

Conrad wrote:
Re: Yeah, we noticed. Good for you, congratulations!

Another Scott wrote:
Good. Make yourself #0, not #7 though. :-)

Thanks, I wasn't really looking at what order they were in, but I'll keep that in mind. :)

Danno wrote:
"Since I joined here, I have always felt like a part of IWT, but also at times have felt like I'm outside the inner circle, or not really accepted overall." Now that you've finally bottomed out (like the entire "inner circle") then you've made it to where we are. You're now in the inner circle. Congratulations! Just don't try to actually keep any of the resolutions. If you start climbing your way back up, you'll only alienate this group. We like life on the bottom.

Hahaha, too funny. :) Thanks, Danno!

dmcarls wrote:
Good luck - come back here whenever you can, we'll save you a seat at the table.

Thanks dmcarl, that's nice to know :)


"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"
Collapse Edited by Nightowl Feb. 14, 2006, 11:02:58 PM EST
Thanks all!
Steve Lowe wrote:
Sounds like you've got your priorities in order. I hope you and your marriage emerge stronger from this process.

Thanks Steve, I think it already has become stronger. We are communicating better and better every day. :)

Alex wrote:
Sure, I've noticed your reduced participation. But, life has its priorities. Sometimes IWeThey slips down the list a bit. That's how it goes....Good resolutions! Look at them periodically to keep from straying. :)

Well, to be honest, it's more than just IWT slipping down the list, it's actually been the Internet as a whole. Some days I just don't feel like participating much online, which is odd, really. Maybe I'm needing more time to be introspective with my thoughts? And I promise, I'll keep a copy of my resolutions handy and review them often. :)

Carl wrote:
I had noticed your reduced participation. you have your reasons, and know what they are. that's better than most. keep your priorities in order and you'll be fine.

Thanks Carl. I think I do finally have my priorities in order. :)

Ashton wrote:
Just. Kidding... Hang in there! Brenda; any annoyance you might create in the course of your belated voyage of self-discovery - in any of us who deem to have have achieved satisfiction - is miniscule (on your worst day) compared to, say:...the mere fact that bastards like Cheney continue to have oxygenated blood, to remain out of prison -- and to say the unspeakable. Often.

Thanks Ashton. I always know that I can count on your support. I even sort of consider you to be like my Mentor of IWT, and I'm proud to say I have learned much from you. :)

BTW, it's funny you mention Cheney. I was feeding my bird earlier, and I noticed that the paper lining his playpen had George Bush's face on it.... need I say more? ;) Maybe Sylvy will leave him a "present." ;)

Conrad wrote:
Re: Yeah, we noticed. Good for you, congratulations!

Another Scott wrote:
Good. Make yourself #0, not #7 though. :-)

Thanks, I wasn't really looking at what order they were in, but I'll keep that in mind. :)

Danno wrote:
"Since I joined here, I have always felt like a part of IWT, but also at times have felt like I'm outside the inner circle, or not really accepted overall." Now that you've finally bottomed out (like the entire "inner circle") then you've made it to where we are. You're now in the inner circle. Congratulations! Just don't try to actually keep any of the resolutions. If you start climbing your way back up, you'll only alienate this group. We like life on the bottom.

Hahaha, too funny. :) Thanks, Danno!

dmcarls wrote:
Good luck - come back here whenever you can, we'll save you a seat at the table.

Thanks dmcarl, that's nice to know :)


"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"
     A new outlook on life - (Nightowl) - (38)
         Good - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
             Thanks all! - (Nightowl)
         Good for you, Brenda! - (a6l6e6x)
         I had noticed - (cforde)
         Or as my mater used to say, - (Ashton)
         Yeah, we noticed. Good for you, congratulations! -NT - (CRConrad)
         Good. Make yourself #0, not #7 though. :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
         Yeah! Looks like you hit bottom! - (danreck)
         Best of luck to you! - (dmcarls)
         As one who has "been there, done that" - (lincoln) - (3)
             You too, linc. Glad things are going well with your project! -NT - (Another Scott)
             Nice to hear about things looking Up; think you're due - -NT - (Ashton)
             That's great news, Lincoln! - (Nightowl)
         Serious setback :( - (Nightowl) - (24)
             Damn! Those li'l buggars are PERSISTENT, aren't they? -NT - (jb4)
             Didn't you know . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 :-\ufffd -NT - (Ashton)
             time to get hard core - (boxley) - (11)
                 Re: time to get hard core - (Nightowl) - (10)
                     good enough, here's what you do - (boxley) - (9)
                         NOTE: Smoking while doing this would be a bad idea -NT - (drewk) - (4)
                             you can put out a smoke in a cup of kerosene - (boxley) - (3)
                                 I knew you would know that :-) - (drewk)
                                 But can you do the same with sprayed kerosene? - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                     preasurising sprayed kerosene is different -NT - (boxley)
                         Would it hurt the wildlife/domestic critters? - (Nightowl) - (1)
                             it will kill all the bugs but voles and larger are okay - (boxley)
                         I wouldn't do that myself. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                             Re: I wouldn't do that myself. - (Nightowl)
             I've learned to live with them - (broomberg) - (8)
                 Snuggly cat - (broomberg) - (1)
                     OT: cats - (Arkadiy)
                 Re: I've learned to live with them - (Nightowl) - (2)
                     Uhh, Brenda...broomberg != lincoln -NT - (jb4) - (1)
                         Re: Uhh, Brenda...broomberg != lincoln - (Nightowl)
                 Ugghh. I could never snuggle up to something with fleas - (bionerd) - (1)
                     I thought you said you liked bikers? -NT - (drewk)
                 You have a problem. - (static)

Looks like a helluva party to me! Begone evil spirits!!
61 ms