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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New A new outlook on life
You may or may not have noticed that I have not really been in here much these past two months. That's because I have been going through some extreme changes lately.

My depression of last year took me so low, that at one point it began to affect my marriage, so that was a serious wake up call for me. John and I worked hard on the issues and developed some solutions that would enable me to put him and my marriage first and still be able to be involved with my family to a lesser degree in the reunion committee.

I wrote up and refined the proposal I had posted here last year, and set some clearly defined boundaries where my personal life was concerned, and the Reunion Committee accepted it. I'm now working only on the graphics, I gave them the entire job of writing up the letters and mailing them all out. Trust me, they are discovering it isn't an easy task.

I explored my anger issues, which was something I have never done before, even in all the years of therapy, because I was afraid to, and I have come out of this stronger, more positive, and much more able to handle touchy situations. And I have concentrated on interacting more with the people who truly do care about me, as opposed to people who are more lukewarm or indifferent.

Since I joined here, I have always felt like a part of IWT, but also at times have felt like I'm outside the inner circle, or not really accepted overall. And that's ok, I guess, because not everyone likes everyone or can be expected to. I don't want everyone to like me either, I just want to feel like I belong in certain places, if that makes any sense.

So I have been less active here, and more active in other places where I get more acceptance and interaction. I figured you would all be happy anyway, as I know how I am tends to annoy many of you, and I'm sorry for that.

But anyway, to wrap this up, I now have my own 360 page and have started a blog there. So if anyone ever does wonder about me or even worry, because I'm not around, feel free to check it out at:


You can't comment on it unless you are invited, because I reserved commenting for invited friends, but if you want to be invited, drop me a line and I will.

Anyway, I'll leave you with my New Years Resolutions for 2006, and despite my lesser participation here, you'll all always have a special place in my heart. I learned a lot here, and I will continue to learn a lot here, I believe, and I owe that all to IWT.

Thanks, everyone.

OWL\ufffdS NEW YEAR\ufffdS

1. I resolve to do my best to always put John and the needs of our household first and foremost, before anything else.

2. I resolve to work on learning to communicate better with everyone, using clarification when necessary, especially with my immediate family.

3. I resolve to do my best to feel less obligated to my Yahoo Groups, and to stop feeling guilty when I\ufffdm not caught up everywhere at once.

4. I resolve to continue repairing my damaged self-esteem, and to make every available effort to learn from last year\ufffds events so that they do not repeat.

5. I resolve to take better care of myself, get more sleep, eat better, etc.

6. I resolve not to no longer quietly accept any intolerable treatment or situations anymore, but will now speak up when they happen.

7. And above all, I resolve to be myself, to accept myself as I am, and love myself and believe that I am okay.

Nightowl >8#

"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"
New Good
Sounds like you've got your priorities in order. I hope you and your marriage emerge stronger from this process.
New Thanks all!
Steve Lowe wrote:
Sounds like you've got your priorities in order. I hope you and your marriage emerge stronger from this process.

Thanks Steve, I think it already has become stronger. We are communicating better and better every day. :)

Alex wrote:
Sure, I've noticed your reduced participation. But, life has its priorities. Sometimes IWeThey slips down the list a bit. That's how it goes....Good resolutions! Look at them periodically to keep from straying. :)

Well, to be honest, it's more than just IWT slipping down the list, it's actually been the Internet as a whole. Some days I just don't feel like participating much online, which is odd, really. Maybe I'm needing more time to be introspective with my thoughts? And I promise, I'll keep a copy of my resolutions handy and review them often. :)

Carl wrote:
I had noticed your reduced participation. you have your reasons, and know what they are. that's better than most. keep your priorities in order and you'll be fine.

Thanks Carl. I think I do finally have my priorities in order. :)

Ashton wrote:
Just. Kidding... Hang in there! Brenda; any annoyance you might create in the course of your belated voyage of self-discovery - in any of us who deem to have have achieved satisfiction - is miniscule (on your worst day) compared to, say:...the mere fact that bastards like Cheney continue to have oxygenated blood, to remain out of prison -- and to say the unspeakable. Often.

Thanks Ashton. I always know that I can count on your support. I even sort of consider you to be like my Mentor of IWT, and I'm proud to say I have learned much from you. :)

BTW, it's funny you mention Cheney. I was feeding my bird earlier, and I noticed that the paper lining his playpen had George Bush's face on it.... need I say more? ;) Maybe Sylvy will leave him a "present." ;)

Conrad wrote:
Re: Yeah, we noticed. Good for you, congratulations!

Another Scott wrote:
Good. Make yourself #0, not #7 though. :-)

Thanks, I wasn't really looking at what order they were in, but I'll keep that in mind. :)

Danno wrote:
"Since I joined here, I have always felt like a part of IWT, but also at times have felt like I'm outside the inner circle, or not really accepted overall." Now that you've finally bottomed out (like the entire "inner circle") then you've made it to where we are. You're now in the inner circle. Congratulations! Just don't try to actually keep any of the resolutions. If you start climbing your way back up, you'll only alienate this group. We like life on the bottom.

Hahaha, too funny. :) Thanks, Danno!

dmcarls wrote:
Good luck - come back here whenever you can, we'll save you a seat at the table.

Thanks dmcarl, that's nice to know :)


"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"
Expand Edited by Nightowl Feb. 14, 2006, 11:01:52 PM EST
Expand Edited by Nightowl Feb. 14, 2006, 11:02:58 PM EST
New Good for you, Brenda!
Sure, I've noticed your reduced participation. But, life has its priorities. Sometimes IWeThey slips down the list a bit. That's how it goes.

Good resolutions! Look at them periodically to keep from straying. :)

When fascism comes to America, it'll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. -- Sinclair Lewis
New I had noticed
your reduced participation. you have your reasons, and know what they are. that's better than most. keep your priorities in order and you'll be fine.
Have fun,
Carl Forde
New Or as my mater used to say,
You can be as easy as an old shoe ... and worth as little.

Never too late to find out the basic stuff - don't beat yourself up!
There are experts here in that, standing by...

Just. Kidding.

Hang in there! Brenda; any annoyance you might create in the course of your belated voyage of self-discovery - in any of us who deem to have have achieved satisfiction - is miniscule (on your worst day) compared to, say:

the mere fact that bastards like Cheney continue to have oxygenated blood, to remain out of prison -- and to say the unspeakable. Often.

New Yeah, we noticed. Good for you, congratulations!
New Good. Make yourself #0, not #7 though. :-)
New Yeah! Looks like you hit bottom!
You write:
"Since I joined here, I have always felt like a part of IWT, but also at times have felt like I'm outside the inner circle, or not really accepted overall." Now that you've finally bottomed out (like the entire "inner circle") then you've made it to where we are. You're now in the inner circle. Congratulations! Just don't try to actually keep any of the resolutions. If you start climbing your way back up, you'll only alienate this group. We like life on the bottom.
Carpe Carpum (seize the bottom dwellers?),

New Best of luck to you!

"As you set out for Ithaka
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
angry Poseidon-don't be afraid of them:
you'll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement
stirs your spirit and your body.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
wild Poseidon-you won't encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.


Good luck - come back here whenever you can, we'll save you a seat at the table.
New As one who has "been there, done that"
I can totally emphathize with your situation.

I've whole weeks where I come home from work, after commuting through a solid wave of bumper-to-bumper traffic, where the computer is the last thing I want to get in front of - so I don't.

I'm here at lot less because of time constraints: work, participating with my son in Boy Scouts, father/daughter stuff in Girl Scouts, etc., etc. A lot of evening time has become reading about how to progam in ASP.Net and HTML because daytime is reserved for doing actual work. But the good news is that my first true project has gone beta with a customer for actual user testing, and so far the feedback is very positive.

Hang in there. Visit here as time permits.

"Chicago to my mind was the only place to be. ... I above all liked the city because it was filled with people all a-bustle, and the clatter of hooves and carriages, and with delivery wagons and drays and peddlers and the boom and clank of freight trains. And when those black clouds came sailing in from the west, pouring thunderstorms upon us so that you couldn't hear the cries or curses of humankind, I liked that best of all. Chicago could stand up to the worst God had to offer. I understood why it was built--a place for trade, of course, with railroads and ships and so on, but mostly to give all of us a magnitude of defiance that is not provided by one house on the plains. And the plains is where those storms come from." -- E.L. Doctorow

Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.

I am not merely a "consumer" or a "taxpayer". I am a Citizen of the United States.

[link|mailto:bconnors@ev1.net|contact me]
New You too, linc. Glad things are going well with your project!
New Nice to hear about things looking Up; think you're due -

New That's great news, Lincoln!
I'm glad to hear that your project is going well!

And thanks for the encouragement. :)


"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."

By Geoffrey F. Abert
New Serious setback :(
Believe it or not, somehow between the cold swings and the warm swings of this stupid St. Louis winter, some fleas managed to hatch in my yard and apparently came in on our legs from the front walk again. :(

I'm hoping that the cold weekend we just had killed the rest off, but I'm still spraying and vacuuming and trying to be sure no more stragglers stayed in my house. It's threatening to depress me all over again, this is just so not fair. Why don't they just find a house with a dog?


"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."

By Geoffrey F. Abert
New Damn! Those li'l buggars are PERSISTENT, aren't they?
"Every Repbulican who wants to defend Bush on [the expansion of Presidential powers], should be forced to say, 'I wouldn't hesitate to see President Hillary Rodham Clinton have the same authority'."
&mdash an unidentified letter writer to Newsweek on the expansion of executive powers under the Bush administration
New Didn't you know . . .
. . feas only settle for dogs if they can't get an owl?
New :-\ufffd

New time to get hard core
owl, do you live in a community that has a covenant restrictions? Please describe your yard, type of grass, dirt flowers trees etc. etc in detail. Maybe an Alaskan yard treatment will work for you.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New Re: time to get hard core
owl, do you live in a community that has a covenant restrictions? Please describe your yard, type of grass, dirt flowers trees etc. etc in detail. Maybe an Alaskan yard treatment will work for you.

I don't know what a covenant restriction is, and I don't know what sort of grass, etc. we have. I'll see if I can find out. I know some of the trees, I think, some have acorns, aren't those oak trees? And we have one pine tree. I'll see what I can find out on the rest. We don't have any flowers, but we have one tree that flowers with weird pinkish white petals in spring.


"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."

By Geoffrey F. Abert
New good enough, here's what you do
go to a hardware store and buy a 1 gallon sprayer. Fill it with kerosene and spray around your house and your lawn. This will kill all the bugs for a considerable period of time.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New NOTE: Smoking while doing this would be a bad idea

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New you can put out a smoke in a cup of kerosene
flashpoint is not the same as gasoline
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New I knew you would know that :-)
But I also know that when you use a sprayer, you're aerosolizing it. You know, like a fuel injector.

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New But can you do the same with sprayed kerosene?

Accident Analysis and Mitigation: The Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for the NWCF identifies two unlikely, but credible accidents that could result in fatalities to site workers. These accidents are associated with explosions of kerosene in either the calciner cell that houses the equipment or the calciner vessel in which the HLW solution is calcined to ceramic particles. An explosion in the calciner cell is possible if the kerosene spray is not ignited when introduced into the vessel and allowed to accumulate. If ignited, the accumulated kerosene could cause a large and potentially fatal explosion. The primary means of preventing this accident is a temperature interlock. Kerosene flow cannot be initiated prior to the vessel temperature reaching 340\ufffdC, which is approximately 10 percent above the auto-ignition temperature of kerosene.

A similar event, involving a small kerosene fire, occurred at the NWCF in December 1992 when kerosene leaked from a spray nozzle on the calciner vessel and ignited inside the calciner cell. The cause of that incident was a faulty nozzle and improper installation. The contractor corrected these problems by making upgrades to the equipment and revising maintenance procedures.

Cigarettes are a lot hotter than 340 C.

It's not a good idea even if 99/100 times nothing bad will happen...

New preasurising sprayed kerosene is different
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New Would it hurt the wildlife/domestic critters?
I may have to give up feeding the birds, not sure. Also there are squirrels, rabbits, and stupid dogs and cats that roam around, which is probably why I have my problem. I wish people would keep their pets in their own yards.

We still think there's at least one mouse left in the house, (long story, I didn't share, but they were doing Houdini tricks and getting into the seed container to eat the bags of seeds, and ignoring the one on top as bait), but we caught one, and the bait seeds by and on the traps weren't touched as of yesterday. We thought the mice were bringing them in, but it doesn't appear to be the case as there haven't been any signs of fleas downstairs this time, only up here. And I saw them jump on me on the front walk on the 15th. It's cold again, so that will help. I now haven't seen any since Sunday. Someone else suggested seeding the yard with lime, would that help?


"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."

By Geoffrey F. Abert
New it will kill all the bugs but voles and larger are okay
The lime doesnt work as well.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New I wouldn't do that myself.
1) We don't know that the fleas are from the lawn. Unless it's been warm there for a week or more, I would be very surprised if the fleas were from the lawn. I'd suspect another animal or maybe a garage-kept car that is used to transport infected animals.

2) It's probably illegal. E.g. [link|http://www.dnr.mo.gov/env/wpp/permits/issued/R401000.pdf|6 page .pdf].

3) It's dangerous.

If she wants to treat her lawn to control fleas, she should use something like [link|http://www.scotts.com/index.cfm/event/ProductGuide.product/documentType/product/category/%2FCategories%2FProducts%2FWeed+Insect+and+Disease+Control%2FLawn+Insect+Control+with+Fertilizer/documentId/4ee0cc56d9f04c3605fb1449d4a69c8c|this]. Note that it's used in the summer. More information about indoor and outdoor flea control is [link|http://insects.tamu.edu/extension/bulletins/uc/uc-034.html|here].

My $0.02.

New Re: I wouldn't do that myself.
Don't worry, I don't do major things like that without thinking them out or discussing them with John. It did warm up a bit which was when they jumped on me from the grass by the front walk. I saw them jump, so I know they were outside somehow.

We intend to get a power spray (like we had last year) as soon as it's warm enough to stay non-snowy. Meanwhile, I'm walking down the driveway and around the street corner to the mailbox again. Hey, it can't hurt, it's good exercise.


"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."

By Geoffrey F. Abert
New I've learned to live with them
I accept the fact the cats will have them.
I don't want to poison them to the point the fleas will be gone.
I've seen some really nasty reactions that cats have to the stuff we put on them to kill the fleas, and I'm not willing to do that to them.
On the other hand, I'm unwilling to allow them to live in my carpet or bite me.
#1 - I bombed the house.
#2 - I filled the carpet with flea killer.
#3 - I didn't vacuum for months after putting it on the carpet.
#4 - I will not allow the cats in my bedroom

I haven't been bitten for months and I haven't seen one. On the other hand, I know they are living on the cats, and I accept it.
New Snuggly cat
I just have to add note concerning one of my cats.
It is amazingly snuggly.
Pure black, full claws, will NOT hurt me.
If I am holding it against it's will, will always keep the claws retracted.
It will not hurt me, no matter how provoked.
It will go out of it's way to not do any damage.
I love this cat.
New OT: cats
We have (for almost three years now, oh my) a yellow cat - a mix of Maincoon and Persian. He is the most patient beast I've ever seen - will tolerate anything w/o scratching. But you should see him bend his neck away from me when I try to hold him. In the entire house, he only recognizes my wife for real. The rest of us are to be endured.


179. I will not outsource core functions.

New Re: I've learned to live with them
I wish I could, Broomberg.

Unfortunately, since we have no dog or cat, they jump on me. This is not a good thing, as it elicits panic reactions, cold sweats, nausea and a host of other not good things like my heart racing.

So I'm doing what I can to keep them out and keep them from multiplying. (i.e. not getting bitten).

Thanks though. :)


Edit: fixed name.

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."

By Geoffrey F. Abert
Expand Edited by Nightowl Feb. 21, 2006, 01:07:17 PM EST
New Uhh, Brenda...broomberg != lincoln
"Every Repbulican who wants to defend Bush on [the expansion of Presidential powers], should be forced to say, 'I wouldn't hesitate to see President Hillary Rodham Clinton have the same authority'."
&mdash an unidentified letter writer to Newsweek on the expansion of executive powers under the Bush administration
New Re: Uhh, Brenda...broomberg != lincoln

Rushing around to get to mom's today.

I'll fix it, thanks.


"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."

By Geoffrey F. Abert
New Ugghh. I could never snuggle up to something with fleas
That gives me the heebie jeebies.

Did I ever tell you that I worked at a plasma center while in college? One of our regulars, Merle (I still remember his name) brought fleas in with him. You couldnt pay me enough to stick him. I wouldnt go near that man.
Follow your MOUSE
New I thought you said you liked bikers?

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New You have a problem.
I've lived with cats all my life and rarely have they had fleas. The cats got used to a) flea collars and b) occasional flea powdering.

"Insert crowbar. Apply force."
     A new outlook on life - (Nightowl) - (38)
         Good - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
             Thanks all! - (Nightowl)
         Good for you, Brenda! - (a6l6e6x)
         I had noticed - (cforde)
         Or as my mater used to say, - (Ashton)
         Yeah, we noticed. Good for you, congratulations! -NT - (CRConrad)
         Good. Make yourself #0, not #7 though. :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
         Yeah! Looks like you hit bottom! - (danreck)
         Best of luck to you! - (dmcarls)
         As one who has "been there, done that" - (lincoln) - (3)
             You too, linc. Glad things are going well with your project! -NT - (Another Scott)
             Nice to hear about things looking Up; think you're due - -NT - (Ashton)
             That's great news, Lincoln! - (Nightowl)
         Serious setback :( - (Nightowl) - (24)
             Damn! Those li'l buggars are PERSISTENT, aren't they? -NT - (jb4)
             Didn't you know . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 :-\ufffd -NT - (Ashton)
             time to get hard core - (boxley) - (11)
                 Re: time to get hard core - (Nightowl) - (10)
                     good enough, here's what you do - (boxley) - (9)
                         NOTE: Smoking while doing this would be a bad idea -NT - (drewk) - (4)
                             you can put out a smoke in a cup of kerosene - (boxley) - (3)
                                 I knew you would know that :-) - (drewk)
                                 But can you do the same with sprayed kerosene? - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                     preasurising sprayed kerosene is different -NT - (boxley)
                         Would it hurt the wildlife/domestic critters? - (Nightowl) - (1)
                             it will kill all the bugs but voles and larger are okay - (boxley)
                         I wouldn't do that myself. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                             Re: I wouldn't do that myself. - (Nightowl)
             I've learned to live with them - (broomberg) - (8)
                 Snuggly cat - (broomberg) - (1)
                     OT: cats - (Arkadiy)
                 Re: I've learned to live with them - (Nightowl) - (2)
                     Uhh, Brenda...broomberg != lincoln -NT - (jb4) - (1)
                         Re: Uhh, Brenda...broomberg != lincoln - (Nightowl)
                 Ugghh. I could never snuggle up to something with fleas - (bionerd) - (1)
                     I thought you said you liked bikers? -NT - (drewk)
                 You have a problem. - (static)

Eschew obfuscation.
661 ms