While I agree that the results are disconcerting, I wonder if it's due to people just not understanding things (or not thinking about them enough), or giving nonsense answers to a poll-taker that's pissing them off, or due to strongly held beliefs.
What I'd really like to see is a broad survey of general knowledge of adults in several areas:
1) Government and Civics
2) Science and Mathematics
3) Philosophy/Morals
4) History
5) Religion
6) Health and Safety
What do people really know and believe about these topics? If people think that: children are brought by the stork; the Earth is 6000 years old; lottery tickets and pyramid schemes are good investments; smoking and drinking have no consequences; police can do whatever they want in an interrogation as long as they don't beat the suspect; etc.; then do we really want such people determining policy in those areas? No, I don't think so. And misunderstandings about basic things like these should be reduced through educational initiatives (like, I dunno, maybe having less crap on TV?).
Have you ever seen Jay Leno's [link|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaywalking_%28The_Tonight_Show%29|Jaywalking] interviews? There are a lot of people out there who don't think to clearly when they're being interviewed (or possibly at any time)....
My $0.02.