Probably somewhere in WebLand resides a collection of a large number of really Basic questions and the appalling stats on the Vox Populi. (I have tuned out the results of the above.. vaguely recall that ~40% sorta never heard of the Copernicus and subsequent sagas. I'm sure it was not in the 30's.)
(Then, when you quiz 'Christians' about the contents of that Good Book - and the most vehement haven't the foggiest about a lot of the tales - or have them remembered unrecognizably ... can any of this surprise, anymore?)
Meher Baba said, Don't Worry. Be Happy.
We must reconcile ourselves to enjoying The Fall - the Sequel (\ufffd Pixar); after all - whether comedy or tragedy: the Play's the thing wherein ...
Origins of Dumbth?
I believe television is going to be the test of the modern world, and that in this new opportunity to see beyond the range of our vision, we shall discover either a new and unbearable disturbance of the general peace, or a saving radiance in the sky, We shall stand or fall by television -- of that I am quite sure.See Edit for source, but add 100 years. sob silently