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New Basically they screwed you
sort of like my firm screwed me. You do exactly what they tell you to do, and then someone else does something to screw it up.

We had work on a development server and reports and applications that I spent three months working on got overwritten while I was out sick. Plus my workstation got reGhosted and I lost work files that I had stored on it. They didn't ask me or even tell me that my workstation would be reghosted. I told them I had important files on it anyway.

Another thing that happened was that my doctor notes went missing from my HR file. So my sick days, even though I made up the time, were counted against me on my review.

Basically they were out to get me after that, but I did what I could to try and stay there and work as best I could. But three weeks after I returned from my short-term disability, they got rid of me anyway. Someone did something and they blamed it on me. No proof, they just suspected me, which is good enough to fire someone without a good reason in the state of Missouri. They told me they would not contest unemployment, but they did anyway. Five weeks without unemployment so far, I was told by the state that I would be disqualified for five weeks. If I am not able to collect, I am going to a video store or some other place and apply for a low paying job.

"In order to completely solve a problem, you must make sure that the root of the problem is completely removed! If you leave the root, the problem will come back later to get you." - Norman King
New That second chance?
The outplacement consultant I've been working with came this close to calling it a scam. She says cases where the person getting the second chance end up keeping the job are pretty much unheard of. I did, a long time ago, but I changed jobs within the company and in the new job, I kicked ass. I also ended up under a different boss.

Basicaly, it gives the company time to get the documentation in order, and provides a nice thing to say to a jury, so that suing them is more difficult.

"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
     iwethey.employed-- - (inthane-chan) - (33)
         Gah. :-( -NT - (admin)
         gack - (Yendor)
         :( Sorry to hear. -NT - (Meerkat)
         Bummer - (tuberculosis)
         blah! - (slugbug)
         Too bad. Good hunting! -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         That sucks. - (mhuber)
         Sorry to hear that - (nking)
         ICKY... - (folkert)
         Sympathies, joining the Mob on well-wishes. -NT - (CRConrad)
         Damn, man! That sucks! -NT - (imric)
         Damn. Damn damn damn. Good luck - (drewk) - (4)
             The wife is fine. :) - (inthane-chan) - (3)
                 So she's gonna be a suit? - (drewk)
                 But can she support you ..... - (Silverlock) - (1)
                     My wife is supporting me - (nking)
         sux, good luck -NT - (boxley)
         rats. sorry to hear that. good luck on a situation upgrade.. -NT - (cforde)
         May the Bird of Paradise - (Ashton) - (8)
             Well, I've got a nibble... - (inthane-chan) - (7)
                 Go fer it - (broomberg)
                 Go for it - (nking)
                 Gotta admit - (wharris2) - (1)
                     Join the ranks of the VB Zombies - (nking)
                 I actually like the $MS line - (boxley) - (1)
                     I just got fired from a job like that - (nking)
                 Hooray! It's not in Tacoma! :D - (tseliot)
         Can you drop some hints about the circumstances? - (bconnors) - (5)
             I think he fixed a Windows "bug" that was causing - (bbronson) - (1)
                 More than likely it was that he didn't brownnose enough - (nking)
             I was sabotaged. - (inthane-chan) - (2)
                 Basically they screwed you - (nking) - (1)
                     That second chance? - (mhuber)

Here lies my beloved Zoë, my autumn flower, somewhat less attractive now she's all corpsified and gross…
52 ms