(And I always thought that a "half-Windsor" resembled what a posse-in-a-hurry tied - to speed the end of a captured Sinner, when ol' Noose-tier Ned was AWOL.)
Now I can't say that the 'dimple' part resonates (while we're discussing rilly Important stuff.) Do you mean that, the ~flat outer surface of the er vee-shaped 'knot-covering' should be drawn just tight enough that it isn't perfectly smooth? / has a teeny wrinkle?
(Which sounds like ~ "See? he ties it every. morning. and, gets it juust-Right: What A Leader of Men!")
Gawd, the fragility of homo-sap $-mating rituals; no surprise how little actual thought happens in the bizness enviro.. get a drop of sweat-from-brow - - on your Armani?! :-0