Post #236,173
11/27/05 8:57:42 AM
We never shop on Black Friday
Or anytime that weekend, as a matter of fact. And never at Walmart.
I'm still trying to find an article about the news-story we heard part of on TV. Something about at Walmart, everyone wanted laptops, and they were being thrown 20 feet in the air?
WTF? How come? If anyone finds that story, please let me know. I searched the other day but no luck.
"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"
Post #236,177
11/27/05 10:15:09 AM
Here ya go.
[link||Linky]: DES MOINES (AP) A Black Friday laptop riot at a Des Moines Walmart rapidly escalated into an Xbox shootout requiring the use of overwhelming force by local S.W.A.T. teams and the deployment of the Iowa National guard.
Angry Walmart shoppers competing to purchase one of the 3 available $19.95 Pentium 4 laptops quickly spread the mayhem to the Xbox section where over 800 people lined up to buy the one available $7.95 Xbox 360 gaming console.
HTH. Cheers, Scott ;-)
Post #236,184
11/27/05 12:49:46 PM
Weak Google-fu?
[link||Here it is on CNN Money]: CNN showed video from affiliate WFTV of shoppers scuffling at a Wal-Mart store in Orlando, Fla., with an eyewitness saying laptops were being thrown "20 feet in the air and people were collapsing on each other to grab them. It was ridiculous."
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -- Bertrand Russell
Post #236,228
11/27/05 8:22:04 PM
Thanks, Alex
I actually tried several combinations after hearing part of the story on our local news, but couldn't find it. Maybe it was too soon, or something. And the stupid story still doesn't tell me WHO was throwing the laptops.
That was what I wondered. Were the employees flinging them at people to keep the crowds back, or were shoppers throwing them in the air, and for what?
Thanks, both you guys.
"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"
Post #236,234
11/27/05 8:45:38 PM
When you visit the Zoo -
do you wonder exactly what's on the minds of the monkeys gleefully pissing on the watchers?
Sometimes the precise psych name for a certain variety of Madness is ~ irrelevant, y'know?
(I'll bet that, were these $100 kitchen knives marked down to $7.99 + 18 rebates; and someone tossed one of the 3 way up in the air: several would be waiting right underneath to Get Theirs. Hmmmm. if they fell just right - maybe 3 Darwin Awards for one knife: thus making it too, into Guiness: some sort of Trifecta?)
Post #236,306
11/28/05 12:59:37 PM
Monkeys aren't supposed to make sense, but people are.
"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"
Post #236,270
11/28/05 3:41:25 AM
You left out the obvious: Employees throwing them in the air
Featherbrain hoots: That was what I wondered. Were the employees flinging them at people to keep the crowds back, or were shoppers throwing them in the air, and for what? Why didn't you mention the possibility that springs immediately to mind: That it was the employees throwing them in the air, for a kind of lottery as to which customer catches one? (Haven't you ever been to a wedding? Hey, haven't you had one -- what did you do with your bouquet?)
[link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad] (I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Yes Mr. Garrison, genetic engineering lets us correct God's horrible, horrible mistakes, like German people. - [link||Mr. Hat]
Post #236,307
11/28/05 1:02:07 PM
11/28/05 1:05:49 PM
Featherbrain hoots:That was what I wondered. Were the employees flinging them at people to keep the crowds back, or were shoppers throwing them in the air, and for what? Why didn't you mention the possibility that springs immediately to mind: That it was the employees throwing them in the air, for a kind of lottery as to which customer catches one? Actually, yes I did think about that... only problem was, these are laptops. Not conducive to being thrown and or dropped... wouldn't they break if someone missed them? So to me, the employees throwing them didn't make any sense. (Haven't you ever been to a wedding? Hey, haven't you had one -- what did you do with your bouquet?) I did a sexy choreographed garter removal process to the song, "She's Got Legs", showing a lot of leg, and then as follows suit, tossed my bouquet. But bouquets don't break or have little sensitive electronics inside. ;) Brenda
"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"
Edited by Nightowl
Nov. 28, 2005, 01:05:49 PM EST
Post #236,397
11/29/05 4:39:28 AM
Guess:Such a throng, there's no room for 'em to reach floor.
Post #236,445
11/29/05 2:31:36 PM
One concept, yes
Conrad wrote:>>Re: Guess:Such a throng, there's no room for 'em to reach floor.<<
But man, what if they hit someone on the head, I mean imagine the lawsuits!
Ah well, people really do stupid things sometimes.
"I'll rock the darn boat all I want to, and if it's meant to stay afloat, then it will. If not, then we'll just all go down with the bloody ship!"