That so many will find those arguments compelling, shall have instantly forgotten their early and subsequent experiences with the products, 'support', fees:
Have perhaps heard of HailStorm and "the new plans" - have no idea what it means to say, "someone Else has control of all your data!" - nor if they did hear, might well say - "so what?"
{sigh} And they may well succeed in spinning it all into a 'Commyunist / Capitalist' battle: and they be the "underdog". To boot.
Should be an Interesting next 3 years. Will USSC get the case - and stall another 1? 2? years too? Will any penalty ever be exacted?
Prediction: if somehow they manage to get an initial high response to the PassPort / HailStorm plots - no one will ever be able to overturn their continuing and growing control - even by assassination. The disassembly would prove too disruptive to the 90-day quarter mindset everywhere from Wall St. down. It will be set in concrete.
:[ watching a train wreck slo-mo, and everyone's on it.