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New 2.4.14 Does not have EXT3 in Kernel Tree
I just checked 2.4.12 and 2.4.14... neither have it. Don't have 2.4.13 or 2.4.15, just cause I didna get it at the time they were current.

You should be able to just change them to be EXT2 in /etc/fstab


greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!
In 2002, everyone will discover that everyone else is using linux. ** Linux: Good, fast AND cheap. ** Failure is not an option: It comes bundled with Windows. ** "Two rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know." - Sassan Tat
New Re: 2.4.14 Does not have EXT3 in Kernel Tree
> You should be able to just change them to be EXT2 in /etc/fstab

Yup. I did. I always wondered about why people said
it was so important to be able to revert, and then I
stumbled across the need.

Ever play with Mosix?

The auto-load balance does not want to work for me,
I've got an email out, but who knows who is reading it.
     Grub VS LILO - (broomberg) - (12)
         Re: Grub VS LILO - (Steve Lowe) - (2)
             Caldera has used Grub for some time . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 Note that "info" is a four-letter word. :) -NT - (wharris2)
         Grub - (pwhysall) - (7)
             Ok, I'm convinced, and Mosix, and 2.4.13, and Ext3 - (broomberg) - (6)
                 ext3 - (pwhysall) - (2)
                     I don't think you understand - (broomberg) - (1)
                         Mosix -- so, what're you doing with it? - (kmself)
                 2.4.16 has it.. dunno - (folkert) - (2)
                     2.4.14 Does not have EXT3 in Kernel Tree - (folkert) - (1)
                         Re: 2.4.14 Does not have EXT3 in Kernel Tree - (broomberg)
         GRand Unified Bootloader!!! - (folkert)

Just having a rest between bars...
62 ms