Actually, I checked on them earlier in the day and they are gone! In discussing that with my wife, we recalled that they were put in the trash early this year during a cleaning frenzy. They were expensive, leather lined, cordovan shoes that I bought in the late 1960's (~1967 or 1968) and as recall re-soled once or twice. The leather looked great after applying "oxblood" shoe polish. While the leather was fine, some of the topline stitching was frayed or coming apart and so in the more recent years I only wore them around the house. But even that got to be relatively rare because I had discovered Reebocks. Anyway, sitting in the back of the closet they provided a great medium for growing mold. Hence, the shoes were retired to the dumpster. Not without some sadness, I might add.

And for Thane's information, if you rotate shoes day to day to give them a chance to air out, they don't get to smell bad.