Post #230,947
10/25/05 10:16:38 PM

Re: 78% - 22% percent "divided"
[my arithmetic's a bit dodgy when i'm in a hurry. but still better than yours] Did you even read my post? I was commenting on the fact that in more then half the regions the vote was 95% one way or the other. It was pretty much a given that the majority was going to support it, since it was written by the two largest groups to favor the two largest groups. And it did just pass, because it would only have taken a small shift in the vote in Nineveh to hit the the rejected in three areas rule. As for the rest of your gloating, get a grip. Even if this does lead to a stable government in Iraq it has cost us 2000 lives directly, plus who knows how many more indirectly. And it has done nothing to make us safer, in fact the war in Iraq has lead the major Islamic terrorist groups to expand as they take advantage of the publicity to reqruit faster then ever. Jay
Post #231,566
10/30/05 6:56:25 PM

Suicidalism is not an argument.
It is in fact proof of moral and intellectual bankruptcy.
2000 is an abitrary number. And in historical terms, a rather small one. We gave up plenty more than that to win World War II. And we didn't stop to worry about whether that would help the Nazi recruitment effort. (Well, Neville Chamberlain did. But we was a fuckwit, and so are you.) So did that make the world safer? Ask a Jew. Oh, wait. You guys hate Jews.
The two largest groups were under no moral obligation to give their former oppressors any say at all. The Sunni Arabs are on probation now. If the Shia Arabs and Kurds decide to place the Sunni Triangle under martial law, they are well within their rights to do so.
---------------------------------------------------------------- 4 out of 5 Iraqis choose democracy! If you don't like my posts, don't click on them. Never mind the AP. Here's the real Iraq reporting: [link||] "The period of debate is closed. Arms, as the last resort, decide the contest." - Thomas Paine, Common Sense
Post #231,601
10/30/05 10:17:50 PM

Re: World War II
Lets' see. In well less than 4 years after Dec 7, 1941 Germany and Japan with millions of armed mean were defeated, there was no violence, the enemy leadership that survived was in prison. America had respect in the world.
Now, more than 4 years after 9/11, the number of jihadists is on the increase, violence persists, and Osama and al-Zarqawi are on the loose. America has no respect in the world.
And you take pride in this?
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -- Bertrand Russell
Post #233,901
11/13/05 1:18:22 PM
12/11/05 5:02:17 PM

The number of jihadists is on the what now? (img)
[link||Increase my ass!]
America has no respect in your circles. In Eastern Europe, Azerbaijan, Ukrainia, Kyrguzstan, Ivory Coast, etc. they eat us up. Elsewhere they fear us.
It's *you* who have no respect in the world. Nobody's looking to you to help them out, like they're beggign for Dubya in Azerbaijanaze. And nobody's trying to stop from doing naything because you cna't do anything anyway. Why, now you've even got trollbots such as myself disrupting your circle jerks. The nerve!
[link||Let me rub it in a bit]
An Azeri protester holds a sign reading 'President Bush, Help democracy in Azerbaijan!' during a rally in Baku, Azerbaijan, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2005. Thousands of protesters marched through Azerbaijan's capital on Wednesday, answering the call by the main opposition movement to come into the streets to defend their right to free and fair elections. (AP Photo/Shakh Aivazov)
Image right here, for those who dare believe their eyes:
Ooooh, blogs yerself. They're coming through with the goods these days. Photos, video, the lot, with analysis to go with it. And I'm not talking National Guard memos here.
---------------------------------------------------------------- 4 out of 5 Iraqis choose democracy! If you don't like my posts, don't click on them. Never mind the AP. Here's the real Iraq reporting: [link||] "The period of debate is closed. Arms, as the last resort, decide the contest." - Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Edited by marlowe
Dec. 11, 2005, 05:02:17 PM EST
Post #233,905
11/13/05 1:25:08 PM

I'm convinced. Where do I sign up?
When Osama pipes up and says that, it'll matter. Until then, it doesn't and he's just one bloke in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, in Iraq, it's [link||business as usual].
Peter [link||Don't Let The Terrorists Win] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
Post #233,906
11/13/05 1:31:36 PM

Has it escaped your notice that Iraqi jihadists are...
so numerous they're exporting them to Jordan?
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -- Bertrand Russell
Post #233,937
11/13/05 7:11:35 PM
8/21/07 5:52:42 AM

They want Bush? Send him!
Cause only about a third of americans remain deluded about the neo-Hitler's fitness to lead.
"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" --Mark Twain
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." --Albert Einstein
"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses." --George W. Bush
Post #237,682
12/11/05 10:58:18 PM

I don't get it....
we could've invaded a place like that....they want us there. Why did we have to invade Iraq again?
Post #237,794
12/12/05 4:13:15 PM

I may; it's this: Birds fly over the rainbow
why then, Oh Why! can't Neoconmen (too)?
One must adopt the proper mindset when diagnosing zealotry and its fav epithets for Unbelievers, else ortho-mythical logic will trap ya every time.