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New Australia to give up on free society?
[link|http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/terrorist-laws-to-lock-up-objectors/2005/10/14/1128796712300.html?oneclick=true|Sydney Morning Herald]
The changes also allow for control orders of unlimited duration, secret preventive detention, the monitoring of lawyers, and life imprisonment for funding terrorist organisations.

The draft legislation, disclosed by by Greens yesterday, details the far-reaching security regime proposed by John Howard for "very dangerous and difficult and threatening circumstances" in the wake of the London bombings.

New sedition offences will put big constraints on anti-war protests, familiar since the Vietnam era, and come down hard on those advocating violence against any religious, national or political group.

Those charged with sedition can argue they were acting "in good faith" but it is unclear how the courts will interpret this.

The bill sets out new federal police powers to detain terrorist suspects for up to 24 hours, and up to 48 hours with the approval of a judge or magistrate. Suspects will get access to a lawyer to challenge the detention order in a court or complain of maltreatment.

Also contained in the legislation are wide-ranging search powers that will compel the production of any documents relating to "any serious offence", regardless of any laws protecting privacy or legal privilege.,

Looks like Howard wants some new police powers that make the Patriot Act look fairly liberal.

If this goes through I'll have to remove Australia from the list of possible countries to flee to.

New That list...
...is basically Canada, New Zealand, the UK, or Australia. Maybe Scandahoovia and the liberal bits of Western Europe, excluding France.

Americans are basically unwelcome (to some degree or other) everywhere else, sad to say.

[link|http://www.no2id.net/|Don't Let The Terrorists Win]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
New (Surprised the 'list' is That long.. :(

New South Africa, Venezuala, Argentina
Mexico, Scandahoovia( the pornier not colder parts) Nunaviit, Saipan, India (parts) Taku, Republic of Mongolia Gibraltar, Malta, Lebanon (in a few years) Israel (as a choice way down the list but maybe a nescessary one) These places are much nicer than the engrish spreken world and old europe. Have about the same amount of freedom and gun control is a wink and a nod to the right folks.

Any American rez would be closer, nicer and mostly welcome as long as you were self supporting.

"the reason people don't buy conspiracy theories is that they think conspiracy means everyone is on the same program. Thats not how it works. Everybody has a different program. They just all want the same guy dead. Socrates was a gadfly, but I bet he took time out to screw somebodies wife" Gus Vitelli

Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 49 years. meep
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Swim! Row out while you can!
Chris Altmann
New It's all about power grabs and stopping abortions
I think that's the government's agenda, nobody's quite sure.

On the plus side, before we get completely totalitarianised, at least someone was able to leak the proposed law changes without being shot.

Fingers crossed it's just a typical Howard ploy to get the the other big controversy off the front pages - that other controversy being the massive changes to Industrial Relations laws ... I can't help but feel he's trying to turn us into an 'at will' nation as far as employment goes :(

Edit: typo fixing.
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
Expand Edited by Meerkat Oct. 17, 2005, 07:19:20 AM EDT
New Perhaps this Is the common International thread:
The health of the (My!) Corporation takes precedence over the 'health' of any mere Country as (still..?!) hosts the organism gives safe-harbour to that Corporation.

Could all this stuff re the lubricious seduction of Tony and the other naifs - correlate with any particular Corporate-bloc? (Halliburton's not quite Huge enough, yet - is it?)

Which Corp got Tony AND Your Guy? (Do I see a tabloid headline here, anywhere?)

New Any particular reason to use code words - or was it a tyop?
"begins hot" = "being shot", I take it?

I hope you're not *seriously* claiming you daren't write the truth here... Not *quite* yet, anyway!

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=71575|Ashton Brown]
New If there's one thing I'm good at, it's typos.
I'm getting steadily worse as I get older. I used to do a lot of typing on a typewriter (anyone remember those? :) when I was younger (and couldn't afford a printer!), but it seems any accuracy I may have gained through that is now well and truly down the tube. Oh well, when it gets too bad I'll switch to speech recognition. There'll be just as many errors, but at least they'll be a different kind of error :-)
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New Oh, wow, a built-in real-time printer!
And this laptop doesn't even need a battery!


   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=71575|Ashton Brown]
     Australia to give up on free society? - (JayMehaffey) - (9)
         That list... - (pwhysall) - (2)
             (Surprised the 'list' is That long.. :( -NT - (Ashton)
             South Africa, Venezuala, Argentina - (boxley)
         Swim! Row out while you can! -NT - (altmann)
         It's all about power grabs and stopping abortions - (Meerkat) - (4)
             Perhaps this Is the common International thread: - (Ashton)
             Any particular reason to use code words - or was it a tyop? - (CRConrad) - (2)
                 If there's one thing I'm good at, it's typos. - (Meerkat) - (1)
                     Oh, wow, a built-in real-time printer! - (CRConrad)

Golden Service, Incorporated
129 ms