[anything having to do with homo-sap good/badness]
We have juries for that purpose. Not math (except in the shifty rheumy eyes of Neoconboys, and within the accountant-grade microcephaly of Economists.)
Character is about what you Are.
Reputation is ~ how well you've concealed the odious parts.
Judgment - is an effort to reconcile the two. After an accusation. Preferably before an execution.
One Hitler is a sufficient sample to despise a Hitler - you don't need a graph, you (pseudo-nit)-picking mangler of Sentience!
As to how many (claimed-to-be)-Christians-experienced is [enough to see a pattern]?
How's a Lifetime's worth? and amidst a total of 123,678 last count.. Need I 123,679?
(Work for Redmond a lot, measuring Windows satisfiction , do you..)