OK - you pass
(By the power vested in moi: as a Minister in the Universal Life Church - who has performed 3 marriage ceremonies. ;-) .. Well, 1:3 persisting.. ain't too bad for these days - one pair went a few months; the third - 10 years.
But you're an outlier - you both read and understood the Manual And Its Limits! = appear to know quite well-enough where the Manual isn't enough: and you have to use Your Own Brain.
So, as an Authentic? Christian - you join with virtually all of the (yes, even Corporate) other models of the Cosmos out there -- as have the same basic Point re Why bother with all this metaphysical stuff At All?
(Point - which you just made quite well enough).
But the World's Problem remains:
You're an outlier!
Amidst hypocrites of every stripe - with their duelling badges, sect-warz and always, Mine's Bigger bravado.
cha cha cha
Methinks it depends entirely upon whether:
Serious Impeachment moves commence within a matter of months / and Not Years.
That's the way it feels in My pineal gland..