These are...
Consumables on the vehicle.
Most mini-vans are the worst on Batteries. I'll bet there is something you are not aware of that casued the draining of the battery... umm yeah. But most OEM batteries are really not "long term" ones.
Brakes, well thems the brakes. Everytime you use the brake pedal when moving you are wearing them down. Would you rather they just last forever? Well, to be honest you did buy a Hyundai, not that they are bad or anything of the sort, just that they are economy cars.
Tires, well there again, OEM tires are not typically the best tires you can get. If you want great long-wear tires, you'll be paying $100 per tire, but it would have added more money when you bought the vehicle.
It sucks to spend money on things like this, but what are you gonna do? Trade it in and get another one being trapped into the 3-4 year renewal cycle?
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