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New Well, there's glory for you.
From here in up-over the following definitions seem to apply.

PRAY, v. \tTo ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.
RACK, n. \tAn argumentative implement formerly much used in persuading devotees of a false faith to embrace the living truth. As a call to the unconverted the rack never had any particular efficacy, and is now held in light popular esteem.
FAITH, n.\tBelief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.
HEATHEN, n. \tA benighted creature who has the folly to worship something that he can see and feel.
SAINT, n. \tA dead sinner revised and edited.
MYTHOLOGY, n.\tThe body of a primitive people's beliefs concerning its origin, early history, heroes, deities and so forth, as distinguished from the true accounts which it invents later.
INFIDEL, n. \tIn New York, one who does not believe in the Christian religion; in Constantinople, one who does. (See GIAOUR.) A kind of scoundrel imperfectly reverent of, and niggardly contributory to, divines, ecclesiastics, popes, parsons, canons, monks, mollahs, voodoos, presbyters, hierophants, prelates, obeah-men, abbes, nuns, missionaries, exhorters, deacons, friars, hadjis, high-priests, muezzins, brahmins, medicine-men, confessors, eminences, elders, primates, prebendaries, pilgrims, prophets, imaums, beneficiaries, clerks, vicars-choral, archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, preachers, padres, abbotesses, caloyers, palmers, curates, patriarchs, bonezs, santons, beadsmen, canonesses, residentiaries, diocesans, deans, subdeans, rural deans, abdals, charm-sellers, archdeacons, hierarchs, class-leaders, incumbents, capitulars, sheiks, talapoins, postulants, scribes, gooroos, precentors, beadles, fakeers, sextons, reverences, revivalists, cenobites, perpetual curates, chaplains, mudjoes, readers, novices, vicars, pastors, rabbis, ulemas, lamas, sacristans, vergers, dervises, lectors, church wardens, cardinals, prioresses, suffragans, acolytes, rectors, cures, sophis, mutifs and pumpums.
KORAN, n. \tA book which the Mohammedans foolishly believe to have been written by divine inspiration, but which Christians know to be a wicked imposture, contradictory to the Holy Scriptures.
SCRIPTURES, n.\tThe sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based.

Apologies to Ambrose Bierce. I found them [link|http://www.ethicalatheist.com/docs/devils_dictionary.html|here]

"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"   --Mark Twain

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."   --Albert Einstein

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."   --George W. Bush
New My favorite is still . . .
Occident, n. The part of the world lying west (or east) of the Orient. It is largely inhabited by Christians, a powerful sub-tribe of the Hypocrites, whose principal industries are murder and cheating, which they are pleased to call "war" and "commerce". These, also, are the principal industries of the Orient.

. . and probably always will be (double reference intentional).
New Isn't Occident what happens when you don't plan sufficiently
shrub●bish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT

New ..only if your oc'cent is on the wrong syl-la'-ble

     What do you call a liberal Christian? - (ChrisR) - (62)
         That 'Joan of Arc' bit had to be . . . - (Andrew Grygus)
         Both Church and State have the same dilemma - (ben_tilly)
         Illuminating. - (static) - (56)
             Well, there's glory for you. - (tuberculosis) - (3)
                 My favorite is still . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                     Isn't Occident what happens when you don't plan sufficiently -NT - (jb4) - (1)
                         ..only if your oc'cent is on the wrong syl-la'-ble -NT - (Ashton)
             But consider this... - (ben_tilly) - (3)
                 This is true. - (static) - (2)
                     Be careful what you wish for. :-) Consider China in 20 yrs. -NT - (Another Scott) - (1)
                         Interesting point. - (static)
             their image is different from mine also - (boxley) - (47)
                 I'm NOT just unhappy with the TV preachers - (ben_tilly) - (46)
                     I wipe my ass with your statistics - (boxley) - (42)
                         No no no, you've got it all wrong - (jake123)
                         The "no true Scotsman" fallacy, in a new guise! - (ben_tilly) - (40)
                             show me comparison stats - (bepatient) - (16)
                                 You can google for them yourself - (ben_tilly) - (15)
                                     "Christian" - (bepatient) - (14)
                                         No true Scotsman again? - (ben_tilly) - (13)
                                             Don't forget the "not by deeds" thing - (drewk) - (6)
                                                 Bah! I googled anyway. :-P - (imqwerky)
                                                 I didn't - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                                                     No, it goes to why they do what they do - (drewk) - (1)
                                                         Point. "Jesus died for your sins, make it worth his while!" -NT - (ben_tilly)
                                                 I think it's in Ephesians. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                                     But it's a common word - - (Ashton)
                                             I am playing my little violin for you - (boxley) - (4)
                                                 -3 for even hinting about . . . a Statistical 'Proof' of - (Ashton) - (1)
                                                     I didnt bring statistics in here, look ..I.. that way :-) -NT - (boxley)
                                                 Read, in context, please - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                                                     Fair Dinkum - (boxley)
                                             I believe your research. - (static)
                             still wiping ass with your stats - (boxley) - (22)
                                 Correction for you - (ben_tilly) - (21)
                                     There are only two precepts by which a Christian should live - (imqwerky) - (19)
                                         Timelier every day. - (Ashton)
                                         love except - (boxley)
                                         s/two/ten/ -NT - (pwhysall) - (16)
                                             that's so old testament - (cforde) - (15)
                                                 That depends on how attractive your neighbour's wife is ;-) -NT - (ben_tilly)
                                                 Where'd he do that? - (pwhysall) - (12)
                                                     that's the fundamental difference between... - (cforde) - (11)
                                                         Ar, but where does he rescind the Ten Commandments? - (pwhysall) - (10)
                                                             If ya wanna get picky... - (imqwerky) - (8)
                                                                 wrong, per his own words - (boxley) - (7)
                                                                     Any chance you could break that down - (Silverlock) - (6)
                                                                         Ummm - that was 100% readable. -NT - (imric)
                                                                         Actually, clear enough. - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
                                                                             no Jesus was a hetro with a toe fetish - (boxley) - (2)
                                                                                 Thought that's what you meant. - (Andrew Grygus)
                                                                                 'Toe fetish' my ass - (Ashton)
                                                                         sure - (boxley)
                                                             it's the same stuff - (cforde)
                                                 or so Paul claimed, Jesus said he wouldnt change the law -NT - (boxley)
                                     I find much more reasonable the Ancient Egyptian . . . - (Andrew Grygus)
                     The Gospel of Luke...if the shoe fits... - (imqwerky) - (2)
                         you are describing neocons :-) -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                             Bingo! -NT - (imqwerky)
         An oxymoron. -NT - (mmoffitt)
         Answer: - (imqwerky) - (1)
             OK - you pass - (Ashton)

Option #2, encourage death sports amongst the vegetarian crowd.
82 ms