Kanotix is also good
Definitely more HD-install friendly than recent versions of Knoppix. I used to use Knoppix in my Linux admin class but had some stability issues once it was installed. Kanotix works a treat, however.
I've had problems with Mepis (and Mepis-Lite) on older hardware. I do agree it's extremely newbie-friendly.
[link|http://www.xandros.com/about/downloads.html|Xandros Open Circulation Edition ] is pretty good as well. I use Xandros Business Edition on my office PC at school.
Tom Sinclair
Mal: There ain't-a one of us looks the part more than the good doctor. I mean, the pretty face, soft hands \ufffd definitely a moneyed individual. All rich and lily-white, pasty all over\ufffd
Simon: All right! Fine. I'll go. Just\ufffd stop describing me.