The Bible is still the "Truth" in the Greek sense of the word, but perhaps not in the scientific or literal sense of the word. So are you upset that they are claiming that the Bible should not be taken as literally true in a scientific sense. Or are you simply perplexed by the "...some parts of the bible are not actually true" statement. Well, if you don't believe in creationism, or that locusts and grasshoppers have four legs, then you'd have to say that the Bible can not always be taken in a literal sense. Of course, the fundamentalist will try to claim everything in the Bible is literally true, and usually end up missing most everything that makes the Bible an inspirational work.
Anyhow, I think the reporter is misreporting the Catholic teaching. Catholic teaching is that the Bible is true - but truth is a tad more complex than a literal interpretation of facts. The Bible is not meant to be a scientific document - it is meant to define the relationship between man and God. We already know that science is incapable of discovering God - it'd make the whole point of faith rather moot.