The late sixties and the seventies marked the end of the Church's social dominance in Quebec, in part because the Quebecois realised that the Church was complicit in holding them down so it could be the big fish in the small pond, through its iron control over the educational system as well as politics via the pulpit.

Nowadays in Quebec (for the most part) it's the Anglos who are in the subservient position... outside of certain super-wealthy enclaves, but that doesn't count in Westmount because there the ethnicity and religion are green.

Simply put, there aren't very many jobs left in Quebec (not even in Montreal) where English is the only required language, but there are many where one has to speak French to get in the door, let alone to get ahead.

As the Quebecois have realised that they have become "maitres chez nous" their perspective on "les anglos et les ethniques" have relaxed quite a bit, enough so that when Parizeau made a crack about ethnics and the money vote on the night of the '95 referendum it ended his political career. The hardcore nationalists are seen as dead enders by most of the Quebecois now.

In the broader national context, well, it's easy to find bigots anywhere, and anti-French bigotry certainly exists, but not like it used to (eg- it used to be perfectly acceptable to crack Frog jokes here where I grew up, but now they are very rare), and I can certainly speak from personal experience when I tell you that there are people in Quebec who hate "les tetes-carrees" no matter what. Then of course there's the West, and in particular Alberta, but I'm a complete heathen to them as someone from Ontario who lives in Quebec... the worst of both worlds! "Nuke them eastern bastards, THEN let them freeze in the dark!" ;)

Nope, the real problem with racism here are First Nations, followed by black people. However, even there, the situation is improving, though I think I'll be dead before the problem is.