I don't think he's an idiot myself. He's very bright. But he's not open to evidence that he's wrong in some of his views.
I don't think he's racist either (at least not as I understand the term). But I do think that he has a blindness in his views on race and poverty. If he had said, "... crime would go down if we aborted all male children ..." his point would be just as valid (not that I agree that it is as valid as he does, for reasons already given) but would not have resulted in as much criticism.
He does not seem to be well suited for a live radio talk show. Such a person needs to be able to make a cogent point quickly. Perhaps he just needs more practice.
He has more [link|http://www.bennettmornings.com/agnosticchart?charttype=minichart&chartID=11&formatID=1&size=3&useMiniChartID=true&destinationpage=/pg/jsp/general/featured.jsp#0|spin] on his comments, after he had more time to refine them. He also went off on the deep end (in his comments on Hannity and Colmes - scroll down).
I'm sure his ratings and subscriptions have increased dramatically after this incident... :-/