In the USA, blacks have been an economically disadvantaged group since before the USA was a country. Furthermore, everyone that I know expects this to continue to be true in another 50 or hundred years. I call this permanent. I admit that in a thousand years the situation may resolve itself. But on the scale of human lifetimes, it is permanent.
Sure, individual blacks may succeed. But as a group?
Now I'll agree that Canada has desperate people. But they are a smaller a fraction of the population, and are generally not as desperate as disadvantaged people in the USA. Nor are is any large ethnic minority so obviously a significant fraction of them.
Why does this matter? Well here is a joke that I've heard from multiple black women:
Q: What is the difference between a black man and a large pizza?
A: The large pizza can feed a family of four.
Imagine being a black boy growing up with jokes like this being told by your mom. Would you feel motivated to even try? Many don't, and the cycle continues for another generation.
As far as I've seen, this does not happen on a large scale in Canada.