The pilots in Vietnam, crashing into the hard deck during a fire-fight/dog-fight.
Even with all the bells and whistles and bleeps and info screens going off... information over load. Those that survived said they never even heard the warning to pull up, matter of fact most of the ones that didn't deploy chaff or flares properly also had information overload.
Too much info in such a short time-span == excess information taken in dumped to /dev/null. No real decision on which stuff gets dropped, including stuff that has higher priority than anything else.
Kind of reminds me of the Sponge-Bob Square-Pants episode when SBSP clear his entire mind of all info, except breathing and Fine-Dining.
At the end, the "bad-guy" asks SBSP his name (which of course was flushed along with everything else)... thereby sending him into panic mode and ruining the whole charade.
In any case, it'll be a good thing to have that Barkeep tell you to "keep it down" again.