Way I sees it is: in the contest between upgrading these clapped-out vehicles (as we see can be done to a fare-thee-well ... now) GM behaved like any other unregulated Murican Corp. smelling a windfall even beyond! the Next Quarter ie real prescience in a CIEIO.
Influencing bored, unskilled city councils was EZ, prolly with TLAs du jour: all a soundin like the hype for the 1939 Worlds Fair in Flushing Meadows.
No Contest - a city council pondering, say Who uses / And why? the muni - and does ONE-car/person transport make Any Sense ?? Long Run !?! for daily work flows...
[and perhaps they did just that: pondered 'users'. Decided: riff-raff?]
Not even a website :-0 is, IMO - apt to tell This story convincingly.