IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New We do pretty much the same thing
The application I work on does pretty much the same thing right now.

We actually build an .xls file on the server, and then put a link so they can download the file.

To upload the file we have a macro in the spreadsheet that picks up the data fields we need back, formats them nicely and copies them to the clipboard. Then the user can past them into a text box on the server.

New OUCH!!!!
New Done that too, in PL/SQL. Only, IIUC it was...
...*actually* a CSV-format file -- but by giving it the .XLS file-name extension, you get Windows/Explorer/Internet Explorer to have Excel open it by default, and then you let that figure out the actual format of the file.

Can't be sure, though; it *could* be that we used some special export-to-Excel package that built a real actual Excel file... I dunno, it was a while ago, and I only copied-and-modified a colleague's code.

Oh, and we only built the file if they really tried to download it. The URL pointed to a PL/SQL procedure that, when they clicked the URL / invoked the procedure, built a file for them.

   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
     Trolling for ideas... - (ChrisR) - (11)
         Only thing I can think of - (nking) - (2)
             Fat clients - (ChrisR)
             We did something like that - (nking)
         Is it a simple data structure? - (ben_tilly) - (4)
             A tree of sorts - (ChrisR)
             We do pretty much the same thing - (JayMehaffey) - (2)
                 OUCH!!!! -NT - (Arkadiy)
                 Done that too, in PL/SQL. Only, IIUC it was... - (CRConrad)
         Install a web server? - (Arkadiy) - (2)
             Roll your own server? - (ChrisR)
             Not hard, but it has some issues - (nking)

PDF the sucker to me. Prepaid.
52 ms