I would try to lessen the "gross out factor". After all, a disease is a disease- no need to get judgmental about how she contracted it. And as far as STD's go- this one aint so bad. She was lucky. Now is the time to talk to her about preventing something like this from happening in the future. She got sick. She needs to know how to stay healthy. She needs to know what behaviors can cause and prevent contracting an STD. She needs to understand the consequences of unprotected sex- including pregnancy and aids. Providing education does not mean you're condoning her behavior. If she cant handle hearing this from you, maybe there is another trusted adult in or life she can talk to. Or an objective/nonjudgmental adult- ie the clinic staff, might be even better.
About Mom- IMO, I think she needs to know. How can you keep this from her? How would she feel if she found out that you were hiding this from her? This can lead to more messy issues. Fact is, you are both parents and you are a team and you both need to handle this together. That's what I think, anyway.
Good luck to you. I just had the sex talk with my 10 yo son this week. He looked at me with a blank expression, said "oh" and continued watching Dukes of Hazzard on TV. I dont think I have to worry about this one for quite a while.
Yesterday when I was picking up the kids from school I saw a used condom on the playground. The school is on a cul de sac- so it's a prime spot for parking. I was walking with a Dad when I saw it- "You pick it up". "Im not gonna pick it up, you pick it up" "Well, we cant have the kids seeing it- you pick it up". "No. I'm not touching that thing". "Well someone needs to pick it up". We went and got the principal. I figure that's why they pay him the big money. He can pick it up.