Silly as some of these 'tests' are - maybe this one is about as well as you can do in a.. self-administered one. That is, most of us 'lie' to selves either occasionally or - regularly (those become marketers or other form of asshole or even.. an AG).

I suspect that via the obvious algorithm, a good observer with some psych understanding (from experience not books) and well acquainted with the subject.. could infer some useful information from these questions. (Of course the tester would rephrase them to suit, reduce the obviousness - or even know some of the answers about the testee).

Besides.. in extreme ranges: HTF Could a severely isolated one even be remotely aware of what? s/he had missed from the cradle on: ~hey.. there are Other Beings in my tiny omniverse here *too* -- Gosh!

Yours for better self-testing - always administered by a damn good tester and to a brilliant testee. Guaranteed Results R'Us.