Some of them, as with all these tests, I disagreed that the question was meaningful. "I can tell what someone is thinking by their expression." Well, when people tell me they know what I'm thinking based on my expression or tone of voice, they're wrong as often as not. So I think a lot of people believe they can tell what someone else is thinking. Of course, the fact that I don't believe others are as good at "reading" people as they think they are may be an indication of my "autisticness."
I was interested by the paragraphs mentioning dyslexia as being on the same spectrum. I could accept a diagnoses of myself as having a mild form of Asperger's. More introspective then extroverted, (INTP on the Myers Briggs), though not so much as earlier in life. My wife is very extroverted -- loves selling even. (Eeecchh) And she is dyslexic. I wonder how that's going to combine in our daughter.