Your Score

Your scored 0.5 on the Moral Order axis and 0.5 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

1. System: [link||Authoritarianism]
2. Variation: [link||Moderate Authoritarianism]
3. Ideologies: [link||Social Republicanism]
4. US Parties: [link||Democratic Party]
5. Presidents: [link||Gerald Ford (84.38%)]
6. 2004 Election Candidates: [link||John Kerry (80.99%)], [link||Ralph Nader (71.19%)], [link||George W. Bush (68.59%)]


Of the 98373 people who took the test:

1. 2.2% had the same score as you.
2. 33.7% were above you on the chart.
3. 54.6% were below you on the chart.
4. 28.2% were to your right on the chart.
5. 60.2% were to your left on the chart.

Like Jay, I didn't like many of the choices for questions.

Politics have really morphed over time if Ford and Kerry are soulmates! But it looks like I'm almost equidistant from most of the [link||recent presidents and candidates].


(Just call me the Radical Moderate.)