And..thanks, Ben - Good One.
Not merely provocative - a gold mine! also well written.. wisely concluding with the essential caveat: eliminate (whatever it is* that "causes"?) this diversity - and we might well increase the rate at which we are now evidently morphing towards --> The Eloi, via increasing dumbth.

* "broad autistic phenotypes" ?

Fascinating - Billy's autism (long contended) enabled him to utterly ignore civilized behavior and get rich.. but worse: via going to the heart of Murica'$ National Religion: once a few of those women got tired of guys with just big abs: now we can blame the ensuing Popularity and epidemic (?) on Billy, too! (Kinda suggests new awareness of the subtlety of his foisting NT -NeuroTypicals!- on an unsuspecting world. The big Why? vengeance natch.. er Cackle?)

Were there any remaining questions about the efficacy of er natural selection ?

Loved the 'iron'* walled fortress of the medical establishment' - perhaps geek creativity focussed on an in-house problem - can at last take on and reveal the poverty of allopathic medicine's pathological linear-think (?) Talk about Ego-Wars-2000. And Carver Mead again! (went through Cal Tech with a 4.x gpa - most all A+s). He was indeed a strange BMOC.

* prefer 'lead' - denser and impervious to thought-radiation.

Lastly re 'triggering of a genetic combo': PH-3 say, or the other toxics in every fab, ergo in the air of Si Valley? AMA'd never get it, or even study it; certainly not the pharm chem Corps - no $ in That! (how synergistically doth pharm-chem and AMA single-think <> feed each other!)

For me, a totally unsurprising development (not forgetting that it remains thus far merely a damn good hypothesis). Surprised! though, that I've lived to see so many connections noted all-at-once AND - a chance that these very same talents might.. bypass, supersede the intransigent med. establishment:

Kaloo Kalay Oh Frabjous Joy !!
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..

Nemesis of most-all allopaths in white coats (or even plaid).