Damn.. Again!
from InfoWorld --> ezbored --> Gawd Knoze where,
the same pointless exercise of Rutabagas/Aardvarks being hawked by fruit merchants. As-If...
These sordid repetitions are like Groundhog Day for naughty metaphysicians who flunked English (never mind Sanskrit) and think some primitive 'logic' will make up for that -
Each inventing his-own comfy set of Attributes to Assign to! the "the Character! of" the {Unknowable} / {The Absolute!) / or-by-any-other handle. This Idea thrown into a mish-mosh of homo-sap character-flaws writ Large and randomly, sprinkled to taste. And no MSG.
Nor is this about 'theology' (a sub-category of metaphysics, last I heard). It is not even about 'religion' (either Corporate or hand-crafted) - but about something oblique and too-scattered to even have a separate name. The dance may focus dimly upon one of countless baskets called 'Christianity' -- an idea about as cohesive as "The American People" -- but only in some contest maybe, to write the most imaginitive definitions? and get on Alex Trebek's Religion Bee.
No-longer-fascinating to observe a (self-described) 'literalist, linear thinker' attempting to counter a proposition set-forth; one based upon a Clear-metaphor about Unity <-and-> a World of Duality - yet which is being not-even-Noticed, while something-else is minutely-deconstructed, as if this metaphor were some (bloody- yes) literal History!
I bow before the opportunities within such rich loam, for an entire series in Cinerama, (DVD after Week II tanks):
Featuring Charlatan Heston as Robed-protagonist, George Carlin as tee-shirted antagonist and Bertie R? as naked (and unashamed) agonist at the entire brew-ha-ha-ha: a matter absolutely undebatable for being conducted with Python- silly models / on entirely different scales; producing no chance -- for a metaphysical 'discussion' twixt adult entities; persons possessing authentic and shared Curiosity about these daily illusions.
ie I fling the puce gantlet of that Point of Order:
unless comprehension can be demonstrated by both combatants -- of the difference between the connotation and denotation of a (any) metaphor -- this can only be more hi-fat Fast-food for satire. Earnest mish-mosh only ever reveals just 0/0.