[Well, root-cause == laziness of the mental kind re all \ufffd-stuff, natch - at least in my case]
Friend just dropped off the e-machine box I had set up for her in '02. Carrying her Powerbook {envy}. She had gotten some use out of it 'til the inevitable Oops [re Real Player IIRC - foolishly d/ling an "Up"grade for no bloody good reason]. She had gotten that use, I believe 'cause it came to her dejunked, 98SE-lite, with a few Caveats listed for her, etc.
Now it's sitting on the floor. It's a mere 500-PIII (but then, mine's a mere 600 of same series). Could be full backup por moi; just sneakernet a CD with data now and then... What could be easier to "extend the day of reckoning == ackshully get Apple #1"?
Somehow though.. this time I'm not moved to even look at the sucker. Let it sit in a corner. Maybe someone I-don't-like will 'need' a cheap-shit box.
There's No Joy to be had in configuring ANY Beastware box
(not ameliorated by that tiny-pleasure of being able to ~dejunk it somewhat).
It's become -por moi- precisely as You Say,