Post #215,973
7/21/05 5:06:44 PM
7/21/05 11:26:50 PM

Re: How the fucking fuck can you NOT get it?
Only, you're apparently too fucking STOOOPID to UNDERSTAND what the fuck you said. You know what Conrad, I don't give a flying fuck what you think about me, or whether or not you think I'm stoopid.... btw it's spelled stupid. I have had the most hellish weekend I've had in years... I helped put on a family reunion with over 80 fucking relatives in ONE building, and there was times when I wanted to scream, throw things, and hit people. Not to mention that I almost got the female equivalent of castrated by a stupid kid who was lying in the middle of the floor when I was trying to pass, and instead of listening to me tell him to stay put, he raised up and hit my inner thigh and almost sent me fucking headlong out the door to the concrete! I managed to get my balance, and stay on my feet, but it was a damn CLOSE CALL, and man did my leg hurt after, because I must've pulled a muscle or something. Then when I was LEAST up for it, somehow a few people coming over on Sunday resulted in a BARRAGE of family members, so that my house was full of relatives, 21 to be exact, at a time when I could barely walk, or use my left arm due to fucking RSI.... And then, to put the topper on the kettle of fucking fish, the reunion committee (that includes me), had a serious misunderstanding about who was handling the money in what way, and this resulted in me being told I was expected to do ALL the fucking finances for EVERYONE, when I had explicitly stated I didn't want to do that again this year. Have I ever mentioned that Owls hate math? OWLS HATE MATH! Math is the most horrid thing ever created to torture people, and I wish it would take all it's damn operations and functions and numbers and just DISAPPEAR! So this resulted in my having a panic attack, and then screaming hysterically (which is part of that, as to why was I being expected to do this, and this turned into a glorious family screaming match on the front yard..... So you know what Conrad? Whether or not you think I'm Stoopid or Stupid, take your choice, is of so little consequence to me that you might as well be whispering it, because I could FUCKING CARE LESS! That means a plane could crash through my roof right this minute. Now is it likely to? No. But it could happen. And a car could crash into my house at any moment, but is it likely to? No. It ALSO means, Drew "could" DROWN at this very moment. Or, George Bush "could" be about to be run over by a newspaper truck. Or are those things somehow NOT included in your definition of "anything"?!?
Of course they are, because no one knows what will happen at any given time, which was my point. So, if ANYTHING "could" happen, then THOSE THINGS DREW MENTIONED "could" happen. But they CAN'T. So "anything" CAN NOT happen. I disagree. I'm sure given the right circumstances they COULD happen. That's different however, from LIKELY to happen. I honestly can't quite fathom how fucking stupid one would have to be not to understand that. And I honestly can't fathom why I would fucking care about your assessment of me. Brenda Edit: Corrected castration to "female equivalent"
"I see little yellow butterflies fluttering round my head and hear little happy bluebirds singing overhead....all will be just fine!"

Edited by Nightowl
July 21, 2005, 11:26:50 PM EDT
Re: How the fucking fuck can you NOT get it?
Only, you're apparently too fucking STOOOPID to UNDERSTAND what the fuck you said. You know what Conrad, I don't give a flying fuck what you think about me, or whether or not you think I'm stoopid.... btw it's spelled stupid. I have had the most hellish weekend I've had in years... I helped put on a family reunion with over 80 fucking relatives in ONE building, and there was times when I wanted to scream, throw things, and hit people. Not to mention that I got almost castrated by a stupid kid who was lying in the middle of the floor when I was trying to pass, and instead of listening to me tell him to stay put, he raised up and hit my inner thigh and almost sent me fucking headlong out the door to the concrete! I managed to get my balance, and stay on my feet, but it was a damn CLOSE CALL, and man did my leg hurt after, because I must've pulled a muscle or something. Then when I was LEAST up for it, somehow a few people coming over on Sunday resulted in a BARRAGE of family members, so that my house was full of relatives, 21 to be exact, at a time when I could barely walk, or use my left arm due to fucking RSI.... And then, to put the topper on the kettle of fucking fish, the reunion committee (that includes me), had a serious misunderstanding about who was handling the money in what way, and this resulted in me being told I was expected to do ALL the fucking finances for EVERYONE, when I had explicitly stated I didn't want to do that again this year. Have I ever mentioned that Owls hate math? OWLS HATE MATH! Math is the most horrid thing ever created to torture people, and I wish it would take all it's damn operations and functions and numbers and just DISAPPEAR! So this resulted in my having a panic attack, and then screaming hysterically (which is part of that, as to why was I being expected to do this, and this turned into a glorious family screaming match on the front yard..... So you know what Conrad? Whether or not you think I'm Stoopid or Stupid, take your choice, is of so little consequence to me that you might as well be whispering it, because I could FUCKING CARE LESS! That means a plane could crash through my roof right this minute. Now is it likely to? No. But it could happen. And a car could crash into my house at any moment, but is it likely to? No. It ALSO means, Drew "could" DROWN at this very moment. Or, George Bush "could" be about to be run over by a newspaper truck. Or are those things somehow NOT included in your definition of "anything"?!?
Of course they are, because no one knows what will happen at any given time, which was my point. So, if ANYTHING "could" happen, then THOSE THINGS DREW MENTIONED "could" happen. But they CAN'T. So "anything" CAN NOT happen. I disagree. I'm sure given the right circumstances they COULD happen. That's different however, from LIKELY to happen. I honestly can't quite fathom how fucking stupid one would have to be not to understand that. And I honestly can't fathom why I would fucking care about your assessment of me. Brenda
"I see little yellow butterflies fluttering round my head and hear little happy bluebirds singing overhead....all will be just fine!"
Post #215,974
7/21/05 5:51:09 PM

Nice rant
bitch. (Hey, its the flame forum - gotta keep down the standards).
Feel better?
"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" --Mark Twain
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." --Albert Einstein
"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses." --George W. Bush
Post #215,980
7/21/05 6:17:20 PM

Re: Nice rant
bitch. (Hey, its the flame forum - gotta keep down the standards). Feel better? Actually, yes. I was so angry on Monday that I pounded my desk with both fists, bruising my RSI hand and the other hand on the thumb and the heel of the hand. I haven't been that angry in so long, I wasn't even sure how to deal with it. Brenda
"I see little yellow butterflies fluttering round my head and hear little happy bluebirds singing overhead....all will be just fine!"
Post #215,986
7/21/05 6:39:00 PM

Do what I do.
Get some sword-shaped (or, in my case, naginata-shaped) foam-padded PVC pipes covered with a layer of duct tape, then go beat the crap out of some poor sap carrying the same armament.
Repeat until stress is relieved. :)
apt-get install godlike-powers
Post #216,011
7/21/05 9:54:22 PM

Cloying; similar to "I think you're being too Pollyanna-ish"
I must admit, the above rant does tend to refute the "little miss good person-ness" of the original "but praying makes it all better" comment. You have to keep in mind that several of us consider any religion a form of institutional insanity. Having faith that the giant invisible old white guy in the sky will make it all better if we only *believe* in the giant invisible old white guy in the sky is something several of us have come to not believe.
----------------------------------------- "In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for. As for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." -- H. L. Mencken
Support our troops, Impeach Bush. D. D. Richards
Post #216,022
7/21/05 10:54:03 PM

Re: ...similar to "I think you're being too Pollyanna-ish"
I must admit, the above rant does tend to refute the "little miss good person-ness" of the original "but praying makes it all better" comment. You have to keep in mind that several of us consider any religion a form of institutional insanity. Having faith that the giant invisible old white guy in the sky will make it all better if we only *believe* in the giant invisible old white guy in the sky is something several of us have come to not believe. I almost get it now, there's just too many words in the Thesaurus to describe cloying and Pollyanna. But I get that Rcareaga thought it was boring, or uninteresting, so ok, it was boring, if that's the case, so fucking what. Also it appears that he thought it was trite, or commonplace, or gooey.. who knows, there's too many words. My point was, I didn't care what anyone thought of the blasted original post, all I cared about was that I answered the question that was asked, and I fucking did that, so what's the big hangup here? I didn't tell Rcareaga to come in here and flame me for my "supposedly lame" post and create a long thread while I wasn't even here to see it! Although that does strike me as funny, because you must all think I'm interesting in some respect, because if you didn't, you all wouldn't have debated about the post for such a long thread while I wasn't even perpetuating it! That's the funniest part of this entire thread! And if you'll re-read my post, Silverlock, you'll see that I didn't say a word about praying. I said I used my imagination to feel safe. Imagining God as a Huge Owl Protector doesn't mean I'm praying to him to imagine him. Praying, well that's another story that maybe I'll touch on some day, but I only recently learned to actually feel something while praying, because for years I was searching for achieving the "perfect daily prayer"... having been freed from that recently, (due to some revelations on my part), I now know that The Almighty in whatever form he takes for whomever, doesn't need the "perfect prayer" to hear you or to care. And yes, I know some of you don't believe, and that's your perogative. But as I stated, if I didn't create some illusion of security for myself, to ease my panic-anxiety reactions to possible dangers, I would be afraid to leave the house, or open the front door.... hence, I created the "safe place to go" that works for me. It's kind of like trying to achieve something that's fucking impossible, i.e. to be truly "safe" yet the more you try, the more you feel it might be possible. I am definitely NOT a "little miss good person-ness", although I would like to be.... there's a dark side of me that rears it's head from time to time whenever I get madder than hell and can't contain it anymore. I'm not proud of it, but I accept it's there. Brenda
"I see little yellow butterflies fluttering round my head and hear little happy bluebirds singing overhead....all will be just fine!"
Post #216,029
7/21/05 11:11:30 PM

you almost got cstrated I need to have a long talk with john
otherwise if the ox family had 80 members in one room its either a mass trial or a last person standing scenario. Last time we had a pile together we could have taken on the sackett's of tennesee and still had leftovers to ransack rome. The most we ever had in a pile was 30 at grans funeral and M15 had watchers outside the house(I heard that second hand) thanx, bill
Just call me Mr. Lynch \\
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 49 years. meep questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #216,032
7/21/05 11:25:06 PM

John read it already and laughed!
Boxley wrote:>>Re: you almost got cstrated I need to have a long talk with john<<
I meant to go back and fix that... it was supposed to say the "female equivalent of being castrated."
I'll go edit that now. ;)
"I see little yellow butterflies fluttering round my head and hear little happy bluebirds singing overhead....all will be just fine!... Hmmmm someone get me a net!"
Post #216,036
7/22/05 12:11:53 AM

female rotor router, no clit no parteey
or so the ignorant think. Since you are a scorpio lady and sexual sctuff is either discreet and not to be broadcast (letting John be the keeper of the Aunt Jemima clit twizzlers) please in future pick on the apparent inconsistant neo-nephrenes, ( wanna havwe sex but unsure of how to approach their better halves on how to introduce {ensoucsance) beter known as wanting to stick a thumb up her ass for traction)) or taking the other scorpio well known trait explain in detail how you get off, either way it is enterting to me :-) thanx, bill
Just call me Mr. Lynch \\
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 49 years. meep questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #216,038
7/22/05 12:18:36 AM

Well, I almost got about kicked in the crotch, does that grab ya? ;)
"I see little yellow butterflies fluttering round my head and hear little happy bluebirds singing overhead....all will be just fine!... Hmmmm someone get me a net!"