Post #21,564
12/14/01 10:34:03 PM
12/16/01 3:21:35 AM

Being the IWETHEYer who gets around.... Met Ashton for lunch Wednesday while up in the North Bay. That brings my contact list to about 18 19 (hey, does that mean I'm legal)? Actually, it's been a good week -- also met Dilan "Inoshiro" Griffiths from Kuro5hin, travelling through SFO on vacation, and our own inimitable Rick Moen as part of the BAD (Bay Area Debian) meeting I'd coopted to within crawling distance of my apartment.
Putting the tally down, time ordered: Rick Moen, Ben Tilly, Nick P., Maggie, Tony, Rusty, Jay O'Conner, Wade, Meerkat, Mike "Yendor", Dreck, Malraux, Jack, Bill P, Boxley, Jimmy, Imric, and Ashton. Time for a European trip, methinks....
Edit: Jay. Doh! I got him hired.....
-- Karsten M. Self [link||] What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?

Edited by kmself
Dec. 16, 2001, 03:21:35 AM EST
Post #21,612
12/15/01 11:37:24 PM
12/16/01 8:32:45 AM

Your list is incomplete
Jay O'Connor aka Feerless Freep belongs on there.
And I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew Grygus does as well.
By contrast my list, ordered by time, is Barry, Karsten, Nick, Bill P, Jim, Dhyana Wood, Tony, Rusty, and Imric. Apparently I don't get around as much...
Cheers, Ben
PS I don't even want to think on how many more I am probably missing...

Edited by ben_tilly
Dec. 16, 2001, 12:04:52 AM EST

Edited by ben_tilly
Dec. 16, 2001, 08:32:45 AM EST
Post #21,615
12/16/01 12:00:25 AM

Hey you forgot me
I can still remember meeting you, your wife, Karsten, Nick P, Rusty, etc at LWE San Jose.
I'm still hoping to meet Maggie sometime.... maybe the Bay Area locals can try LWE San Jose again?
Post #21,616
12/16/01 12:04:05 AM

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Ditto also on not having met Maggie despite having set up plans more than once to do just that. (OK, so one time jr was responsible, I think the other she just chickened out...)
Cheers, Ben
Post #21,637
12/16/01 4:02:44 PM

no chickens here.....
.....just busy bees :)
Slugbug Jr. and I have both been really busy. Will try for the next Bay area LinuxWorld.
Post #21,698
12/17/01 10:27:46 AM

That was a reference to "pretty in pink"?
BTW there is a LinuxWorld in NYC before the one in the Bay area...
Cheers, Ben
Post #21,703
12/17/01 11:09:58 AM

So are you going to get the Slugbugs free travel?
Since NYC is just a bit farther away than San Jose.
Post #21,713
12/17/01 12:10:01 PM

nope, nope, nope...
I wish jr and I could hit NYC for LWE, but I'm in the middle of starting a new venture and she has a heavy course load right now. When is LWE in the Bay area? June? The Slugbugs will shoot for LWE in the Bay area. NYC may be latter 2002 if all goes well with my biz.
No rest for the wicked, I'm afraid.
Post #21,720
12/17/01 12:57:13 PM

August 12-15, 2002 at Moscone Center
according to [link||this]
But, hey, you should expand your horizons and go to some of the other trade shows in the Bay Area such as: Photonics West (late January) Embedded Systems Conference (lots of Linux there, in March at Moscone) Semicon (July, Moscone and SJCC; last year one company was giving away scooters) Sensors Expo
Work allowing, I'll be going to several of these shows, Expo only.
Good luck with your new venture -- and eventually we'll meet F2F.
Post #21,791
12/17/01 11:45:10 PM

Will try to make LWE in August......
I forgot about some of the other conferences. The embedded systems conference is usually good.....hmmm.
Post #21,696
12/17/01 10:06:39 AM

Boxley, The Spice Man cometh, Karsten, and our newest member, Peanut. I think that's it.
And amazingly, I've known both jlalexander and Scott (adminScott, not AnotherScott) since before the first IWE existed, even, and I haven't met 'em yet.
"The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by the skeptics or the cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need people who dream of things that never were." - John F. Kennedy
Post #21,701
12/17/01 10:57:47 AM

D'oh - NOW I get it! Face to Face, right? <SIGH>...
Post #21,705
12/17/01 11:18:35 AM

Nary a single one. :(
Brandioch lives in the area, but we've both been too busy...
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #21,726
12/17/01 1:14:02 PM

Free on the 27th?
I'll be in Bellevue (car-less) between Xmas and New Years'. How 'bout Jake O'Shaughnessey's in BelSquare on Thursday night (the 27th)? I could do any night between Wednesday and Sunday, I think. Calling Brandioch, too!
We can swap CS stories at least, thane. :)
--------------------------------- A stupid despot may constrain his slaves with iron chains; but a true politician binds them even more strongly by the chain of their own ideas;...despair and time eat away the bonds of iron and steel, but they are powerless against the habitual union of ideas, they can only tighten it still more; and on the soft fibres of the brain is founded the unshakable base of the soundest of Empires."
Jacques Servan, 1767
Post #21,736
12/17/01 2:16:42 PM

I'll see.
We're getting back from Arizona (gotta go visit the Grandparents for a week - no internet!) on the 26th, so I'm not sure, but I'll look at my schedule and post back!
Coolness! First IRL IWETHEY meet for me!
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #21,837
12/18/01 11:08:58 AM

Give me an e-mail.
Wanna come over for dinner? :)
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #21,859
12/18/01 12:19:55 PM

Sure, if _BRANDIOCH_ et al are unavailable
Just getting his attention.
Was I supposed to remove the a-? Or is that a kudo to my clan? ;)
--------------------------------- A stupid despot may constrain his slaves with iron chains; but a true politician binds them even more strongly by the chain of their own ideas;...despair and time eat away the bonds of iron and steel, but they are powerless against the habitual union of ideas, they can only tighten it still more; and on the soft fibres of the brain is founded the unshakable base of the soundest of Empires."
Jacques Servan, 1767
Post #21,863
12/18/01 12:23:41 PM

a- is required.
The a- in front of an e-mail name indicates "this guy is a contractor."
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #21,708
12/17/01 11:30:09 AM

Just 2
Ben Kosse *sigh* on his trip from ID to NC.
Jay O'Connor just last month. Wife and I were driving from OKC home to Denver and took a side trip through Albuquerque to see the freepster and his brood :)
----- Steve
Post #21,719
12/17/01 12:54:51 PM

well this is sad
I live in San Jose and this year I've been to Boston, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Rochester, San Francisco, Tel-Aviv, and Vancouver. I've met precisely zero IWETHEYers. I think I should make a New Year's Resolution to get out of my cube more....
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #21,721
12/17/01 1:00:51 PM

So try to make it to Linux World SF in August
Post #21,741
12/17/01 2:43:01 PM

zero here also
shakes head, maybe I'm just anti-social....
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Donald Knuth
Post #21,744
12/17/01 3:03:52 PM

I work 2 blocks from Moscone and live in Sausalito. You'd think I'd have run into one of you by now.
Post #21,750
12/17/01 4:52:34 PM

BALE, dude.
If you want to find at least two of the locals, you can turn to [link||BALE] and pick a few events. I'm typically at SVLUG and BALUG meetings, also a few other events around the area, though by no means all of 'em. There's rarely a day without some sort of meeting or event, and many with several.
Up and coming: [link||BALUG] (San Francisco) on Tuesday, CABAL meeting at Rick's house Saturday. [link||SVLUG's] next meeting (at the Cisco campus in San Jose) is Wednesday, January 2, 2002.
-- Karsten M. Self [link||] What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
Post #21,764
12/17/01 7:09:12 PM

I've pencilled in SVLUG on Jan. 2.
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #21,745
12/17/01 3:37:31 PM

Zero, zip nada, zilch, goose egg.
Want to change that though.
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind; Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
Post #21,748
12/17/01 4:20:51 PM

Some day PW the $hill and I will invade Italy - via Belgium!
Post #21,770
12/17/01 8:12:53 PM

Pick me up from the bar at the bottom of the Waterloo Lion!
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson