[link|http://www.google.com/search?as_q=scrotum+saline&num=100&hl=en|Google Search: scrotum saline] claims to find "about 16,800" pages.
From among these, I saw [link|http://spc.bodymodification.com/other/1999/nov_dec/2001saline.jpg|one disgusting picture], [link|http://spc.bodymodification.com/2001/may/005salineinjection-out.jpg|another disgusting picture], and -- much, much scarier -- the home page of an apparently [link|http://www.bmeworld.com/dutchman/|totally crazy Dutchman], who does the most unspeakable things to himself. (Click the "Enter" link on the lower right, and then just follow the "Next Page" arrows at the bottom of each page.) Isn't that the most revolting thing you've ever seen? I think it might be the worst I've ever seen -- and remind me sometime to tell you about the guy who'd laid dead in his flat for so long, he'd fused with his mattress...
Oh, and here's a cheerful little reminder of [link|http://www.molokosynthemesc.com/risks.exe?cmd=risk&whichone=Scrotal+infection|what it all can lead to].
Now, I might have known the Philbot would be into stuff like this, but why would he go around imputing it to some unspecified "Left"? Just projecting, at a guess. Anyone got any other sensible hypotheses?