Not all Small Gods behave so duplicitously. Take Cthulhu -
At very least, Cthulhu is Honest in his dealings with the 'flock' of a depraved species.
He clearly answers the Question -
What Are.. sheep for?
A) Wool, as is pulled-over-eyes, (eyes rarely opened beyond a squint, anyway..)
B) Rack of Lamb Forestiere .. Mmmmmm.
His Scripture is fairly labelled, cookbook, and in all translations, committee-revisions and other visions.
And with Cthuley (may I call Him that?) while you never know if it'll be a cold chop or a hot steak -?- at least you know you Will be tasty.
Yay Cthulhu! a Small God who speaks and obeys The Truth-in-Advertising franchise.
(That's a Lot, compared with wildly-popular alternates. No?)
One must / Must one? make allowances for tykes inculcated from birth, by parental cipher-units with Rovish mental aberrations.
We who were spared such, can never quite grok how the neuron nexus became a perpetual do-fear loop.
Should we not attempt to eschew Puritan Judgmentalism, one asks oneself?