First, you show me a family, no matter how liberated, where the woman doesnt do the majority of the child rearing.
You called?
Before she started residency it was very different, but here is the recent division of child rearing around here.
Dad attends to baby at night, except one nursing. Dad takes care of baby for first 3 hours of day except one more nursing. (This post was interrupted by a request for attention and play...) Grandparents take care of baby during day (with granddad doing most of the work). Mom pumps at work (we are looking at supplementing a little as well). Mom comes home at night and puts baby to bed.
And this is during my wife's easy rotation. Just wait until she gets to the harder ones!
For the record I was born into a family with a working mom and a stay-at-home dad. My primary caregiver was dad, not mom, until after their divorce. (Even then my mother passed the bulk of the caregiving off on others.)
While I grant that the vast majority of families have mom as a primary caregiver, there are a few exceptions.