Post #2,139
7/17/01 8:54:30 PM

Incipient breakdown next - they speaketh in tongues..
Post #2,144
7/17/01 9:02:23 PM

Wait til I show you how to blow bubbles...
Bring it around town!
Bring it arooooooouuuuuuuund town!
-scott anderson
Post #2,145
7/17/01 9:06:56 PM

Let's just leave my Sweetie outta this.. you, you - cad!
Post #2,147
7/17/01 9:12:22 PM

No choice.
I live in a pineapple under the sea!
-scott anderson
Post #2,159
7/17/01 10:40:07 PM

Oh I see. Why that would make you er sunken fruit-impaired,
and while I love to afflict the comfortable - never would I twit the already sunk-en. T'would be misuse of a sea-sonal faux 'pass'
Post #2,187
7/18/01 9:17:53 AM

Ah, but...
Is there a hole in the bottom of your sea?
-YendorMike, who has quite possibly listened to too much Sesame Street in the last week. :)
In order to understand recursion, one must understand recursion.
Post #2,157
7/17/01 10:34:37 PM

find cartoon channel with yer rabbit ears
watch Jonney Bravo a fitting alter ego and mild physical resemblance to CWB's helpdesk guy(except he is the one who took liberal arts.) sponge bob square pants is the ongoing saga of underwater crusty's and their daily trials and tribs. thanx, bill
can I have my ones and zeros back?
Post #2,160
7/17/01 10:40:49 PM

Sponge Bob is seriously, seriously funny
Good clean stuff, too, for kids.
-scott anderson
Post #2,161
7/17/01 10:44:38 PM

agreed, better than rug rats
who have been suffering with content burnout but to be fair they are over 12yo and it must be hard to write for. That is babies fav show rug rats in paris with the inevitable who let the dogs out at full volume at least 7 times a day. thanx, bill
can I have my ones and zeros back?
Post #2,162
7/17/01 10:46:33 PM

Yep. Saw that in the movie theatre
Good enough for adults too. Plenty of in-jokes for the older crowd, which has always been a strength of the show too.
-scott anderson
Post #2,163
7/17/01 10:49:30 PM

Alas, my RF comes through the air as Gawd intended
Though there's a blanked off RG-8 box on my phone pole, and the leakage will adequately drive the small GHz amp and.. the blue box is available - it's no fun now that I see how.