(But I gather that, in your apparently most unusual? case - the droids somehow have managed to recognize this fact / its value >to them< and are paying accordingly ;-)
But. Y'know - from all inputs from anywhere yet - I'd say that Your Talents are fucking Wasted in your er end-product, as I understand that's place in the scheme of modern maudlin things.
US BIZ NEEDS massive help in sorting through the tons of useless noise and emerging with [Non-terminally-Silly] KISS communications: externally, of course.. but internally, perhaps the most.
People [oft times who Are Silly] make mucho-$ nowadays 'explaining', in convoluted adjective-infested homilies -- The Obvious -- to people who can manage only 2 thoughts per sentence. You don't do this stupid extraneous/cutesy/disingenuous ergo Silly shit! ie
Get Rich, Idiot!
And.. lose the pain and suffering of daily-changing piles of detailed, meticulous weird-scripts to control machines.. even dumber than your worst mouth-breathers. Save little grey cells for off-hours, actually pleasurable thinking y'know?
And yess.. of course - [smartass]
I'd never think of using the sub-clause sentences in my posts here! in any environment which does not, inherently .. ~like solving puzzles just for the fuck of it / or whose denizens do not possess at least, an attention span >2 simplicities.
But then, this is a lab, not a production mill; we already know each others' shorthand code-words. ... A \ufffdaux enviro. cha cha cha