Re: I understand both sides.
You could use colors. For just one of a myriad that come to mind.
Type in this space the exact command for ___
Further explanation could be in another color. Etcetera.
The trouble with the common pedantic
{let's just List all the OPTIONS that command ever had, via cutesy typefaces}
is that, in being 'exhaustively'-complete; it's also irrelevant to the buck-simple Purpose of any edict going:
to average-IQ Corp drones. (And, I gather; from here: that applies trebly, the farther up the Corp Ladder one climbs --> the Boss's son faux-CTO.)
I! Could write a better crib-sheet than the example, as doubtless could anyone here: with broom likely getting A+ generally, for a remarkable blend of concision preceded by: a clear appreciation of the goal, the minds to be jogged: and KISS.
Face it: mindless regurgitation IS lousy writing.
Every Great Writer has a Great Editor (with perishing-few exceptions; always there is a genius..)
But then, the employee list for most of our Corps is so filled with the halt, lame and unimaginitive {inspired by the Halt, Lame and Arrogant at Top}: on second thought - Why Bother?
Edit tyop

Edited by
June 24, 2005, 03:57:50 AM EDT
Re: I understand both sides.
You could use colors. For just one of a myriad that come to mind.
Type in this space the exact command for ___
Further explanation could be in another color. Etcetera.
The trouble with the common pedantic
{let's just List all the OPTIONS that command ever had, via cutesy typefaces}
is that, in being 'exhaustively'-complete; it's also irrelevant to the buck-simple Purpose of any edict going:
to average-IQ Corp drones. (And, I gather; from here: that applies trebly, the farther up the Corp Ladder one climbs --> the Boss's son faux-CTO.)
I! Could write a better crib-sheet than the example, as doubtless could anyone here: with broom likely getting A+ generally, for a remarkable blend of concision preceeded by: a clear appreciation of the goal, the minds to be jogged: and KISS.
Face it: mindless regurgitation IS lousy writing.
Every Great Writer has a Great Editor (with perishing-few exceptions; always there is a genius..)
But then, the employee list for most of our Corps is so filled with the halt, lame and unimaginitive {inspired by the Halt, Lame and Arrogant at Top}: on second thought - Why Bother?