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There've been several "rat on your customers" pogroms over the years, including ratting on customers who bought PCs without Windows.
New Yep. I remember those from my MCSP days.
The anti-Linux FUD packages were exceptionally funny. But I was always agast at their appeal to rat on customers.

It would seem, therefore, that the three human impulses embodied in religion are fear, conceit, and hatred. The purpose of religion, one might say, is to give an air of respectibility to these passions. -- Bertrand Russell
New Dang, I must be blind - I read that as "programs", at first.
     Microsoft Escalation Team Introduction - (Safemode) - (3)
         Now? - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
             Yep. I remember those from my MCSP days. - (mmoffitt)
             Dang, I must be blind - I read that as "programs", at first. -NT - (CRConrad)

First documented case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard duck species.
58 ms