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New How I'll handle my kids.
First off, they will definitely have time-limited accounts. They can use the computers, but only for a certain amount of time per day. Games will be time-limited as well, but with an "account" system - you can save up game time. This time can be suspended for finals/bad behavior/whatever.

As far as internet goes, I'll just log everything they browse - and let them know that I'm logging them. That way, they can go to playboy.com if they REALLY want to - but I'll know about it, and we'll probably be having a bit of a chat very shortly thereafter. Same with IRC/all chat traffic.

The key is to give them responsibility, and to let them know that there are consequences for not being responsible, BEFORE they try to test the rules.
New ..better encrypt, hide, mirror that log, then ;-)
and if deleted: .wav file runs volume control to MAX, sets off sirens and: the Voice of Doom, saying _____ followed by an ORANGE screen of death, gradually fading with sounds of human anguish...

('course presence of the file must be tested as a chron job, no? - hmmm a Steve Gibson windoze assy program mayhap?)

No Workeee (til your .bat file is attended to, by you - and That .bat can't be in autoexec - which would be a dummy anyway: pointing to its real contents via some rilly oblique skips & dances wrapped in a decryption.exe which runs the misnamed file with no .bat extension at all. Hidden amidst the detritus in \\system as a .dll with a '1' ONE, for one o' the 'l's, natch.)

('Course if boot floppy employed - well, you know)


cackle.. cackle..
New Simple: Router in a locked cabinet along with...
whatever device is used to convert from xDSL/cable/whatever to 100baseT ethernet.

Router is running Linux, has a huge HD, has a password only known to my wife and myself.

All logging goes to this machine.

If the kids can hack that, then they DESERVE access to whatever they want. ^_^
New Sounds like the Cyber-Cafe method
That is how the Cyber-Cafe software works. It creates an account for each user, limited to time that they paid (set up each account to have 30 minutes of Internet time per day for example) and logs all of their activities on the Internet. Hmmm, not sure if it can track what programs they run, sounds a lot like "Big Brother" to me.

Another way, if without that software, to only allow them to use the computer under adult supervision. As in you sit next to them and watch, otherwise no use of the computer. Keep it under lock and key and never give them the system password. Get a case key that locks the keyboard or won't boot without the key turned to unlock.
"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!"Moe Howard
New OhRyan: er.. they *need* a Big Brother.________Remember?
New Who "they" *needs* a BB - each'n'every guest at Cybercafe's?
New Original topic was
the cheeldrun.

Norm threw in a non-sequitur re Big Brother and the Cyber Cafe. Implying: Big Brother wherever detected = Bad.

I replied: Big Brother = OK. For kids. Only bad for Big people. WTF *shouldn't* parents track little Malphasia's trips to the Biker Gang signup site, for the peeing-distance competition? Now if the foo shits re certain non-Big Cyber attendees:

They can listen to BB too. (May all kids find at least One adult somewhere for hints&tips, even if the parents don't qualify. * Otherwise they'll turn out just like their parents)

* \ufffdFrank Zappa. RIP.
New Ah, OK.
Looked like you were still talking about the same thing he was. (To me, at least, that is.) Not quite a non-sequitur, BTW, IMO: Ha was telling about how "this is the same way they do it in cyber cafe's...", IIRC. A side note, not a non-following argument.
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New Whether siderial or interruptus - BB was dissed
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
The Man Who Can Crib Latin Quotes to Confound The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything.
New By Norm? Not "dissed" - just *mentioned*, AFAICS. Now, if...
...you mean any mention of "Big Brother" is by default (and implication and association) "dissing" the concept, then you might of course be right. (At least *I* would tend to agree with you...) But, as [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=2908|Norm said:]
That is how the Cyber-Cafe software works. [ . . . ] Hmmm, not sure if it can track what programs they run, sounds a lot like "Big Brother" to me.
That only was in the context of "Cyber-Cafe", as I understood him. The following paragraph, where he suggested the "manual Big Brother" method -- in the context of kids -- was... Just that, a separate paragraph.

(Oh well... He'll drop in shortly, I suspect, and then we ca ask him in person.)
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New It sounds like "Big Brother"
I didn't exactly say that it was "Big Brother" rather that it sounded like a "Big Brother" type of program that watches what you do. One that can track what programs are run, what websites are visited, and what the user was doing at what time. Information like that can be used to help or hurt you, it depends on how it is used. In this case, it is used to see what the children are doing and if they did anything they shouldn't have been doing. Sort of like a parent watching them and taking notes. But an acutal parent may stop them from visiting an adult site, or playing "Quake III" if they are not allowed to.

I had been away due to a vacation last week, and I just have been catching up on the messages. This one was buried a few pages back. Sorry for the delay.

"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!"  Moe Howard

     Should kids under 13 be allowed to use computers? - (brettj) - (45)
         Yes, but under limitations and being monitored - (orion) - (2)
             Sounds like a good start.. - (Ashton)
             Agree, but disagree - (wharris2)
         No. - (mmoffitt) - (25)
             Amen. - (Ashton)
             Yes. - (admin) - (1)
                 Fortunately.. always there will be the Exception(al). -NT - (Ashton)
             100% agree - (boxley)
             Should kids under 13 be allowed to read books? - (tseliot) - (20)
                 Several old authors agree - (mhuber) - (19)
                     You mean? - (Ashton) - (17)
                         Only if you read them - (mhuber) - (16)
                             Post of the Day! Congratulations!!! :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
                             Incidently, another had similar thoughts. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                 Silverstein! - (mhuber)
                             Bravo! - (Arkadiy) - (9)
                                 when you consider the attitudes of the correspondents - (boxley)
                                 Agreement, but question - (CRConrad) - (7)
                                     Definition of epic proportions: - (mhuber)
                                     Certainly not lots of bloodshed - (wharris2) - (5)
                                         sgt york? Rather tame by what actually happened. - (boxley) - (3)
                                             Wouldn't be beleivable. - (mhuber) - (2)
                                                 Here's the story - (wharris2) - (1)
                                                     No idea he had kept a diary - thanks. - (Ashton)
                                         "Tunes of Glory", "All Quiet on the Western Front" -NT - (a6l6e6x)
                             Homer translations - (GBert) - (2)
                                 Thanks - (mhuber) - (1)
                                     You're welcome -- enjoy! --!msg -NT - (GBert)
                     Clarification: - (mhuber)
         As opposed to what? - (mhuber) - (2)
             Well.. OK if ya want to be reasonable - (Ashton)
             Heh... - (CRConrad)
         Sure - (SpiceWare) - (1)
             Kids links such as Linkasaurus - (brettj)
         How I'll handle my kids. - (inthane-chan) - (10)
             ..better encrypt, hide, mirror that log, then ;-) - (Ashton) - (1)
                 Simple: Router in a locked cabinet along with... - (inthane-chan)
             Sounds like the Cyber-Cafe method - (orion) - (7)
                 OhRyan: er.. they *need* a Big Brother.________Remember? -NT - (Ashton) - (6)
                     Who "they" *needs* a BB - each'n'every guest at Cybercafe's? -NT - (CRConrad) - (5)
                         Original topic was - (Ashton) - (4)
                             Ah, OK. - (CRConrad) - (3)
                                 Whether siderial or interruptus - BB was dissed - (Ashton) - (2)
                                     By Norm? Not "dissed" - just *mentioned*, AFAICS. Now, if... - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                         It sounds like "Big Brother" - (orion)

Inquiring minds want to scream.
137 ms