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New Memory was for a Dell 4300 server
It's damned near a perfect fit except for the fact that one of the two notches cut into the bottom of the module doesn't line up with the DIMM socket. It's not offset more than a 1/16 of an inch. The other notch lines up perfectly and all the pins are exactly lined up as well.

My thought was that knowing Dell's proclivity for doing little things to make their shit proprietary, this is simply an effort to stop you from using their memory in machines other than their own.

Hey, it was worth asking anyway. I just hate thinking I'm stuck with memory I can't use.

That leaves me with one PC100 128MB module to stick in this board. Not a tragedy, but not what I had hoped for.
Collapse Edited by n3jja May 29, 2005, 11:20:37 PM EDT
Memory was for a Dell 4300 server
It's damned near a perfect fit except for the fact that one of the two notches cut into the bottom of the module doesn't line up with the DIMM socket. It's not offest more than a 1/16 of an inch. The other notch lines up perfectly and all the pins are exactly lined up as well.

My thought was that knowing Dell's proclivity for doing little things to make their shit proprietary, this is simply an effort to stop you from using their memory in machines other than their own.

Hey, it was worth asking anyway. I just hate thinking I'm stuck with memory I can't use.

That leaves me with one PC100 128MB module to stick in this board. Not a tragedy, but not what I had hoped for.
New What does the motherboard take?
See [link|http://usa.asus.com/prog/spec.asp?m=A7A266&langs=09|this] link for the specs.
New Check your csi e-mail. Oops. Bounced.
I've got 2x256 MB PC2100 DDR DIMMs (184 pin) that you can have if you want them. 512 MB isn't a lot, but it'll do for many tasks.

Let me know....

Expand Edited by Another Scott May 29, 2005, 11:28:34 PM EDT
New substitute verizonDOTnet for the domain
Willing to take it if you're not using it. Every little bit helps.
New Done.
New Reply sent.
New Don't force it or modify it!
The offset of those slots in the memory are explicitly so you *can't* do what you're trying to do. I can't remember just what the variations are but they could include voltages, buffering (i.e. registered) and speed. If they don't fit, they wouldn't work if they could. I just wish I could find the article on Tom's Hardware that showed what they meant...

Save Fintlewoodlewix
     Question about memory for Greg. - (n3jja) - (13)
         If it dunna fit, it wunna work. -NT - (pwhysall) - (1)
             I thought - (andread)
         But it doesn't stop the rest of us from butting in! :) - (a6l6e6x) - (9)
             Ok, since we have an excuse now... - (Another Scott) - (8)
                 Memory was for a Dell 4300 server - (n3jja) - (7)
                     What does the motherboard take? -NT - (Another Scott) - (5)
                         DDR or DIMM - (n3jja) - (4)
                             Check your csi e-mail. Oops. Bounced. - (Another Scott) - (3)
                                 substitute verizonDOTnet for the domain - (n3jja) - (2)
                                     Done. -NT - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                         Reply sent. -NT - (n3jja)
                     Don't force it or modify it! - (static)
         I can't add anymore, mostly though - (folkert)

A mindset is a terrible thing to waste.
52 ms