Post #208,146
5/20/05 5:33:23 PM

Run! Get out while you can!
I'm a cold, insensitive, condescending technocrat and even I think this is stigmatizing! That the fingerprint database will never the library is not the point. It's a known, criminal, forensic technique and it gives the impression that people are being monitored. Monitoring is necessary for sensitive information but what sensitivity is needed for public and free information? Is it protecting a bank account? Is it protecting commercial secrets? Is it protecting government advisory reports in progress? No, it's to prevent people giving away their rationed, computer terminal time. What does it matter if that's abused? It'll scare people away for no security benefit. This is a public service damaging it's own purpose.
Is fear so ingrained, paranoia so entrenched that security is an involuntary reflex? How did this infect civil servants with a love of public education? Do I want to meet a policeman or soldier whose job requires suspicion?
Matthew Greet
But we must kill them. We must incinerate them. Pig after pig, cow after cow, village after village, army after army. And they call me an assassin. What do you call it when the assassins accuse the assassin? They lie. They lie and we must be merciful to those who lie. - Colonol Kurtz, Apocalypse Now.
Post #208,151
5/20/05 5:41:27 PM

Re: Is fear so ingrained?
Erm, you did see the reaction to an errant Cessna 150 in Washington, didn't you?
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. God Bless America.
Post #208,155
5/20/05 5:47:16 PM

Also note that the "training grenade" has been upgraded
to a "Live" grenade that "failed to detonate due to a techical failure"
Shrub's ratings are dropping. Gotta have think that someone's out to get him.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail ... but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"
Post #208,158
5/20/05 7:00:16 PM

Not in the same league
The recent evacuation of the Whitehouse was funny as it showed the alarmism and paranoia of the Secret Service. It was an overreaction but I imagine that ingrained fear and inability to be relaxed or casual is a job requirement. And an unresponsive aircraft is an actual cause for suspicion. They can be forgiven for that.
But librarians in libraries. Where strangers walking in is a good thing. Where a breach of security results in a few books been stolen.
Matthew Greet
But we must kill them. We must incinerate them. Pig after pig, cow after cow, village after village, army after army. And they call me an assassin. What do you call it when the assassins accuse the assassin? They lie. They lie and we must be merciful to those who lie. - Colonol Kurtz, Apocalypse Now.
Post #208,162
5/20/05 7:50:42 PM

It's not so simple.
The library in question is using fingerprint scanners because people were sharing PIN numbers that were needed to access the Internet. (Though adults who objected could be logged in by a librarian.)
What's the big deal about needing a PIN number to access the Internet?
Well there's this wonderful, :-p , thing called [link||CIPA] - the Children's Internet Protection Act. I don't know the details, but my understanding is that if a library gets federal funding of any sort, then it must implement filtering of Internet sites. I'm sure that the Naperville library was trying to find a way to comply with the CIPA requirements.
But since people were getting around it (by using PIN numbers of others), they needed to find a more secure way to verify that kids weren't getting around the CIPA requirements. Thus the finger scanning system.
CIPA is just one of 3 acts that have been enacted recently. [link||CPPA, COPA, CIPA: Which Is Which?]
Don't take this as a defense by me of the fingerprint scanners. It isn't. It's just that blowing up at the librarians isn't going to solve anything. Congress should be the object of your ire.
My $0.02.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #208,173
5/20/05 10:49:39 PM

Thanks for another Black-Belt google-fu exploit :-\ufffd
I sympathize with all librarians, too.. I've known several; Few people understand how much the best of these folks know about Finding material amidst the exponentially ascending noise-floor. Their expertise makes up A Lot - for the shitty 'schools' we've settled-for, on our race for high appreciation of houses / save-those-Taxes / then lousy decisions about edjaKayshun across the (most) 'boards'.
And one really does NOT want 'children' (Gawd -- of ALL ages?? -- Enforce That, bunkie) seeing what. it. is. that 'adults' do with their magnificent communication skillz; not until they've learned all about hypocrisy and a bunch of other useful psych material re 'adulthood', not-found-in sanitized texts.
So.. What to Do? How do we keep the tykes from finding(Us) out, too soon?
{Essay question}
Post #208,191
5/21/05 7:22:32 AM
5/23/05 10:23:20 AM

Existing system should be enough
The American Library Association suggests that disabling Internet filters using a library card should be enough. [link||] Additional technological safeguards might, of course, be employed. For example, a library might have an Internet management system where adult patrons wanting unfiltered access could enter their library card number (or swipe their card) and will then be offered the option on the screen of having unfiltered access. Again, so long as the library ensures that only an adult can use the disabled computer, here through the requirement that the adult use a number or swipe a card verifying that the user is an adult, then the filter is disabled “during use by” the adult and the statutory objective is attained. That the library is going beyond this means security is an involuntary reflex or, more likely, they're being pushed into it. Fingerprint id is more secure but is it worth the cultural stigma? Must 'won't someone think of the children' security be pursued at all costs? The UK also has moral panics but this one seems more insidious.
Matthew Greet
But we must kill them. We must incinerate them. Pig after pig, cow after cow, village after village, army after army. And they call me an assassin. What do you call it when the assassins accuse the assassin? They lie. They lie and we must be merciful to those who lie. - Colonol Kurtz, Apocalypse Now.

Edited by warmachine
May 23, 2005, 10:23:20 AM EDT
Post #208,200
5/23/05 9:59:16 AM

Er, ...
And an unresponsive aircraft is an actual cause for suspicion.Except, they weren't exactly "unresponsive"... From the pilots statement: "After an undetermined amount of time, a Blackhawk helicopter appeared off to the right side of our airplane and attempted to communicate with us using a hand-held sign indicating the emergency radio frequency we were to use to receive instructions. Although our radio had been working during the flight, which we know, because we were able to monitor other aircraft communications, we were unable to communicate with the Blackhawk helicopter on the frequency indicated. A helicopter crew member used hand signals to indicate a second frequency option. We tuned to that frequency, identified our aircraft, and requested further instructions. We received no response on either of the indicated frequencies despite repeated attempts by both of us. The helicopter then disappeared off to the right and within a short time thereafter, two F-16 fighter planes appeared and began making repeated passes. After making several passes, the F-16 planes dropped warning flares.
"In response to the dropped flares, we made a 90-degree turn to the right to a westerly direction. At this point, for the first time, we were able to visually identify our location as being in a Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ). Once again, a helicopter appeared, whereupon we were then able to establish two-way radio communication on the original emergency frequency that we had been instructed by placard to use by the first helicopter crew. We were then instructed to stay on our current heading and proceed to the Frederick, Md., airport, where we landed safely and were subsequently met by representatives from civil, state and federal authorities and agencies. [link||]
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. God Bless America.
Post #208,269
5/23/05 4:32:26 PM

Thanks - figured there was far-less to it than the hysterics
So then.. a genuine communications cock-up (though it would be interesteing to fathom why the earlier use of same freq. failed, later worked. This could be the dread intermittent natch, but What Timing on the part of that dirty little transistor!)
I trust that the histrionics re license removal have been nullified (?)
{Sheesh} Those helicopter guys were close enough to SEE that these guys were trying to hear them, etc. Hell, if the placard could be read: WTF couldn't the h. pilot just *POINT --> GO THAT WAY (for now) without calling in the jet jocks? Etc.
* as in, fucking GESTICULATE. Nobody can miss a gesture with an arm + finger pointing repeatedly. (Well, except for a Repo hell-bent on invasion)
Post #208,272
5/23/05 4:53:44 PM

Last I heard the pilot was going to have his ticket yanked.
He can appeal, of course. Or just sit it out a year and retake the written and practical. These days it doesn't take much to make the FAA act like storm troopers.
Besides, what was this pilot thinking? That he lived in a free country or something? Sheesh!
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. God Bless America.
Post #208,294
5/23/05 5:35:17 PM
5/23/05 5:38:16 PM

I heard right. He lost his ticket.
"Your operation of civil aircraft N5826G under these circumstances demonstrates either a complete disregard or lack of understanding of basic requirements for the safe operation of aircraft," the letter said. "These failures establish that you lack the qualifications necessary to hold an airman certificate." [link||] The Federal Anti- Aviation goons have spoken. [Edit] Couldn't let this bit pass. ( Emphasis Mine) The emergency revocation represents the most severe penalty the FAA can levy on a pilot. "This action we're taking reflects the seriousness of the incident," FAA spokesman Greg Martin told AOPA in an interview Monday. Greg Martin, good little Bush-Youth, no?
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. God Bless America.

Edited by mmoffitt
May 23, 2005, 05:38:16 PM EDT
Post #208,298
5/23/05 5:45:32 PM

Self-fulfilling prophecy
The restriction may have been over-broad, but if they guy flies without checking what the restrictions are he is unqualified (IMO) to fly. Of course this leads to ever-increasing regulation until no one can maintain compliance. Kind of like the IRS.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #208,302
5/23/05 5:55:51 PM

Ever try to stay out of a moving FR zone?
Granted this one wasn't. But this pResident has 'em all over the country.
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. God Bless America.
Post #208,328
5/23/05 10:20:00 PM

Speaking of bring stripped..
by Corporate Air - -
In this case - of [link|| pensions].
Ordered yours yet ?
Post #208,415
5/24/05 2:38:04 PM

Tried to order.
Their CC carrier failed. Said they'd call me ;0(
But thanks! I've been looking for that since I read about it on AvWeb.
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. God Bless America.
Post #208,483
5/25/05 1:52:50 AM

Mine got through
Clearly these stews have not joined the techno-obsessed (bless their little hearts). ie Apparently this is the \ufffdimproved\ufffd website!
I hope our small contributions help support the GRR's Farmily Valuez -
Comfort the afflicted.. Afflict the comfortable.
May some of those golden parachutes get tapped to pay off Corporate Debts to workers, Against All Odds in Murica.
Post #208,527
5/25/05 10:34:21 AM

I'll retry ;0) And keep trying until I'm successful.
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. God Bless America.
Post #208,370
5/24/05 12:15:25 PM

for one year
All tribal myths are true, for a given value of "true" Terry Pratchett [link||]
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 48 years. meep questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #208,413
5/24/05 2:28:37 PM

Only if he re-tests. (written and checkride).
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. God Bless America.