...is your leap from "my brother sent money to a random person" to "eBay isn't a safe or secure place to do business".
I never said E-bay was "not a safe or secure place to do business". I said *I* don't trust it. That's my personal opinion, nothing else.
No-one here cares one jot whether you become an eBay Power Seller or whether you never log on to the thing in your life. It's your unsubstantiated assertions about safety and security (based on the fact that your brother was a plank) that are being challenged.
Having had no knowledge of e-bay and it's practices (other than it being an auction online service), up until this thread, I had no idea checks or cash were discouraged. so how was I to know he was stupid? I didn't until I asked him again, and he explained it better. Not everyone grew up in the electronic age. My dad still won't have a credit card, for example.
Done here, nothing to see.
(Still trying to figure out how this started with Star Wars and wound up the Battle of e-Bay ;) Hehe!)

Edited by
May 17, 2005, 10:17:00 PM EDT
Re: What's annoying...
...is your leap from "my brother sent money to a random person" to "eBay isn't a safe or secure place to do business".
I never said E-bay was not a safe or secure place to do business. I said *I* don't trust it. That's my personal opinion, nothing else.
No-one here cares one jot whether you become an eBay Power Seller or whether you never log on to the thing in your life. It's your unsubstantiated assertions about safety and security (based on the fact that your brother was a plank) that are being challenged.
Having had no knowledge of e-bay and it's practices (other than it being an auction online service), up until this thread, I had no idea checks or cash were discouraged. so how was I to know he was stupid? I didn't until I asked him again, and he explained it better. Not everyone grew up in the electronic age. My dad still won't have a credit card, for example. Done here, nothing to see.
"The people of the world having once been deceived, suspect deceit in truth itself." -- Hitopadesa 600?-1100? AD, Sanskrit Fable From Panchatantr

Edited by
May 17, 2005, 10:19:37 PM EDT
Re: What's annoying...
...is your leap from "my brother sent money to a random person" to "eBay isn't a safe or secure place to do business".
I never said E-bay was "not a safe or secure place to do business". I said *I* don't trust it. That's my personal opinion, nothing else.
No-one here cares one jot whether you become an eBay Power Seller or whether you never log on to the thing in your life. It's your unsubstantiated assertions about safety and security (based on the fact that your brother was a plank) that are being challenged.
Having had no knowledge of e-bay and it's practices (other than it being an auction online service), up until this thread, I had no idea checks or cash were discouraged. so how was I to know he was stupid? I didn't until I asked him again, and he explained it better. Not everyone grew up in the electronic age. My dad still won't have a credit card, for example.
Done here, nothing to see.
(Still trying to figure out how this started with Star Wars and wound up the e-Bay Battle. ;) Hehe!)
"The people of the world having once been deceived, suspect deceit in truth itself." -- Hitopadesa 600?-1100? AD, Sanskrit Fable From Panchatantr