But, eBay fights crime!
[link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/05/17/ipod_buglar/|the Register]:
A US mum tracked down a thief who burgled her home after the ill-gotten gains were offered for sale on eBay. Karen Todd, a US Census Bureau computer programmer, spotted a personally-inscribed iPod on the auction site weeks after it was robbed from her Washington DC area home.
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I was shocked and almost in tears," Todd told the Washington Post. "I was like, 'That's mine! That's mine!' I was just floored. When I found it, I clicked on 'see seller's other items,' and when I scrolled through, lo and behold, there was my [laptop]."
Todd reported the find to police who traced the stolen items back through a Maryland sports memorabilia dealer - who unwittingly offered several sets of stolen goods for sale - to Ibrahima Kalil Toure, 21, the suspected burglar. Toure was subsequently charged with 12 counts of burglary realating to breaks-ins at various homes in the DC area. He is in jail on remand awaiting trial.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -- Bertrand Russell