Post #20,401
12/5/01 7:47:55 PM
Just not in the Prose forum.
It's off-topic there.
Oh, wait, we don't have one. So I guess wherever the prose version would be appropriate a poem would be OK.
---- "You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
Post #20,413
12/5/01 8:29:09 PM
Prose police report. Admin.
If it rhymes and it talks about slime but in time it pokes fun at D. Kime [reach]
If it ain't got no couth and extols about youth (But leaves out the truth)
If the ox that is Gored The Box has explored (Without saying Lord..)
Well, there ain't no right place To eat North Sea Plaice 'Cept to make sure It Gets in Your Face..
Admin: Poet's Quadrangle please. (Since one Corner just won't be enough)
Post #20,435
12/5/01 11:23:42 PM
Re: Prose police report. Admin.
Alas, that I might join in with this fight. But to say "yes I'll bite"; it just would not be right.
For we joust, mon ami, most dangerously. And I won't pay the fee that this requires of me.
I hope to restrain this horrid refrain, to my ear it's a bane and they'll all soon complain.
I won't shift the blame; I picked up the game. But for ears we did maim, foul Ashton's the name!
-scott anderson
Post #20,446
12/6/01 2:30:11 AM
It all seems obtuse (no real excuse) In fact kinda loose um, just like a goose?
Not much of a flame (maim's hardly urbane) While it does beat profane You just got no shame
Best skip lugubrious (it's not so salubrious) I'll not be felonious Remember Thelonious
Monk-fish is spicy (it's now getting dicey) Your fee's a bit pricey And more might seem icy
Au Reservoir,
Ashton I'd never steal LRPD's other car! (Besides, it wouldn't start.. Har!)
Post #20,462
12/6/01 9:09:42 AM
LRPD: Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!
Tsk tsk... watch your syllable count, Ashton... I very carefully laid out the 4-line beat metric pattern...
Maybe more this weekend when I'm not at work... ;-)
-scott anderson
Post #20,463
12/6/01 9:14:16 AM
In the meantime, you might enjoy:
[link||The Orange Mornington Crescent Difficult Poetry Hour]
Only a single entry by yours truly, but the game seems to have petered out...
-scott anderson
Post #20,522
12/6/01 5:09:18 PM
What Ho! malraux, in furbelow
Onomatopoetic dactylitis indeed. Besides,
My meter was sweeter And not so jejeune Thou sayest no neater Sans even a spoon
[link||Cackle.. Cackle..]
Bad bad malraux.. a Distraction hast thou wrought. Such a compact Isle.. All those delicious Places and, they can hop on a clean, fast *train* to get from John O'Groats to Lands End.. in a trice. :(
And attend such peripatetic floating operas as
[link||The Pigs Ear Beer Festival!]
Going on Right Now! Oh! the inhumanity (and vanity) ..and all we get is this Crummy Tea-Skirt.
OK, guess I have to adsorb some more of this Mornington \ufffd Madness anon - thought it was about topology played with Underground stations n'stuff, but I see these are deeply aberrant weirdos.. why, some might be Kinfolk!
Post #20,489
12/6/01 1:09:34 PM
Reach yourself, bub
While sitting here reading Few words am I heeding 'Til rebuttals start seeding From an insult misleading
A pun war just might be fun But time says I must flee pun So my last line's a rerun So my last line's a rerun
We have to fight the terrorists as if there were no rules and preserve our open society as if there were no terrorists. -- [link||Thomas Friedman]
Post #20,715
12/7/01 7:27:10 PM
"All around me are nothing but fakes Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"
Post #20,733
12/7/01 9:06:35 PM
LRPD: IWETHEY's Terrible Horde of Epicyclic Yammerers.