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New Incest and Corruption, Texas Style
[link|http://www.bartcop.com/1205lyons.htm|Incest and Corruption, Texas Style]

Keywords: Enron, Bush, $$$

Chris Altmann
New Don't worry...we'll bail them out.
They're a business, so they're important. (Actually, I think we already started. Didn't Enron receive some of the stimulous package?)
New Left out a couple of words, didn't you?
They're a business, so they're important. (Actually, I think we already started. Didn't Enron receive some of the stimulous package?)

The words you left out are in italics:

They're a big business.
They're a politically connected business.
They're a(n) energy-related business.
They're a Texas business.

Because of the italicized words, the rules do not apply.
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Another Enron post...
...trying to implicate some kind of tie to Bush.

And 5 or so cabinet and/or appointed officials happened to own stock in the 7th largest company (not xcxoxuxnxtxrxyx) on the planet. (Wouldn't mind seeing if they owned MS too...that would really broaden the conspiricy angle)

Hmm...are we trying to build a groundswell of support for an Independent Counsel? Its gonna take more than that.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

Expand Edited by bepatient Dec. 6, 2001, 02:38:28 PM EST
New What it would take
(Certainly not mere high economic crimes involving billions and the loss of the employees' retirement and.. Those are no longer actionable offenses: post-DOJ 'settlement')

Nope - it'd have to be a rilly Big offense. Hard to imagine one that would be That Big.

Lessee. Independent Counsel. Past as prologue. Nope, nothing comes up THAT Big.

Ahhh! I KNOW:

Sex! what else Could Do? Here ???

Damn!.. won't work: he's a Republican. Sublimated that drive into the lust for Power.. well, maybe an errant line of Coke then?

We'll keep on a lookin an a scratchin, Beep - dont'cha worry none! Chip off the Old Block: Prescott Bush lives! in those genes.

for just plain Decency and quid pro quo

PS Beep - nice to see that there is consistency in some folk, I guess... Not a Thing\ufffd in the above link, which might prick up the ears of an Econ Acolyte? All just must be innuendo and stuff, izzat it?

Ho hum. I guess that it's not likely that any DNA stains could be found, so best policy might be to just ignore the Texas-based scandal and the $2M --> present Resident, ex-Gov yada yada.

Gosh.. now if it'd been AlGore's buddy from AlGore's state (though he wasn't Governor of that state, too) - wouldja find the above at all interesting?

Just checkin on the litmus tests.. objectivity is such a hoot!

Expand Edited by Missing User 70 Dec. 5, 2001, 06:07:09 PM EST
New Ridiculous...laughable... (sorry...me speelt it wrong)
...and incomparable.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

Expand Edited by bepatient Dec. 5, 2001, 10:15:54 PM EST
New Many thanks.
A shiny gold star with crossed oak clusters for you!


Expand Edited by Another Scott Dec. 5, 2001, 11:20:12 PM EST
New It's incomparable?
It's imcomparable to relate the Enron failure with the WhiteWater failure?
New To implicate direct involvement
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Didn't Cheney have those energy policy meetings...
and wasn't he a major stockholder of Enron?

And wasn't there a refusal to investigate California pricing at the time?

In fact, wasn't there a refusal to even admit who attended the meetings?

And this isn't direct involvement?
New And..
...wasn't he forced to divest all interests well prior to all of those events?

And isn't it nonsensical to ignore the largest player in the energy business when formulating an enery policy?

And when has owning stock in a company implicated the stockholder in its management...unless that stock was part of an ownership plan of the management...which was not the case with Cheney.

I owned stock in @Home...I sold it before the collapse...am I guilty for their poor management and crappy contracting policies?

Y'all are reaching.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New And you are burying your head in the sand.
Stop reflexivly defending them, open your eyes and see. There may be no collusion, but there may also be plenty. I don't see a lot of evidence either way (except for the fact that they are politicians and thus should be presumed guilty until proven innocent).
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind;
Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
New What...keep playing the...
...bullshit game thats been going on for the past 10 years?

No fscking thank you.

If there's no evidence...don't write articles like there is or should be...and don't waste my time trying to act like there is.

Either charge somebody...or go away with this crap.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Is that what you meant?
>>And 5 or so cabinet and/or appointed officials happened to own stock in
>>the 7th largest country...

Perhaps it was. All too many Muricans think of corporations as being bigger and more important than countries. More is the pity.

-I'd have a sig, but we Americans have to "watch what we say now".
New Nope...
...brain fart...and freudian at that....off to edit

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New the ties from enron board members working at
the white house and the direct connection between the bin laden family and george senior vis a vie the firm they both own and run. James baker pulled down a huge nut from enron, too many ties that bind not to take a close look.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Damn...
...thats a good stretch

Lets get an independent counsel...I hear Ken Starr's dockets open
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New do you know how much omar was paid to NOT hand
over bin laden so the pipeline can go thru? And the real reason Arafat walked away from the camp david agreement was because Baker promised him a better deal if Clinton didnt get his legacy? Yup early days yet.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Wow Box...these are good ones...
...but it would really help if you could substantiate some of it.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New 2 arkansas state troopers swear to it all :) zing!
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Rim shot ;-)
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Eh?
Okay, so where's the stock GW held that he sold at high values before the value plunged? That kind of insider trading would be the equivalent of Hillary's future trading, or Whitewater.
Showing up at functions, or campaign contributions, is no evidence of nefarious doings.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
-- Donald Knuth
New Eh? Eh?
Showing up at functions, or campaign contributions, is no evidence of nefarious doings.

Unless, of course, you're Buddhist. Or a Labor Leader.
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Oh yeah...
...cry separation of church and state until the rubber meets the road.

Unless, of course, you're Buddhist...

There's a little matter of legality...minor nit.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New So...
I guess Pat Robertson, Jerry Foulwell, et al are similarly not allowed to contribute? Another "minor nit" of legality?
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Actually, check Enron's records...
it appears that they falified public records and reported generating earning far above actuals.

Then the President of the company sold stock.

So, wouldn't that be insider trading?

Expand Edited by Simon_Jester Dec. 6, 2001, 11:09:01 AM EST
New If so, it's more than insider trading...
which is trading based on non-public information. Falsifying public records is outright fraud, a more serious offense. Accounting practices vary and an auditor would know for sure.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
New Selling the stock...
...for a CEO is a little more complicated than y'all think. It has to be done via notice with the SEC and usually done over time..especially if the sales are large.

Insider trading for major execs could be charged for an unplanned sale (or buy) with a short time period of major announcements. Most of the convictions come from buys...but this guy could go down on the sale.

Falsifying records is what got the CFO canned already...and will likely end up costing Arthur Anderson a penny or 2 as well...since it appears that they signed off on these statements.

This situation will be better understood as more of the records make it into the public eye. It sounds to me like they were eseentially gambling on electricity futures...trying to hedge with derivatives...and doing it on money that apparently wasn't there....so it, in all, was one big clusterf***
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Hope that audit firm takes a big hit
From what we know at the moment, the falsified records were *majorly* falsified, not tiny tinkles of this or that. Arthur Anderson should have been able to sniff out something wrong. (On the other hand, as a programmer, I know how things might be pushed off and pushed off and fabricated convincingly... access to a couple of databases, a few judicious alterations.... hmmm. Doesn't excuse AA, but I can understand how foolery can go.)
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
-- Donald Knuth
New Auditors
The ones who should be sued by the Enron stock holders are the audit firms that signed off on their financial statements. They were asleep at the switch.
If people bought Enron because an analyst recommended it, it was a hot stock, a market maker or a leader on the Internet, then finding the person at fault is a simple process, look in the mirror.

The smooth transition of the marketplace to the post-Enron era proves the vibrancy of capitalist in the US.

New Fat fscking chance...
From the last paragraph of the link:
On a provincial note,
many Arkansans may recall that during the Clinton years, Texans enjoyed mocking our uniquely corrupt and incestuous
political culture almost as much as certain Washington know-it-alls. So here's my suggestion: How about if y'all do your country cousins a great big favor and just shut up for a while?

Tejanos? Shut up for a while? Who you crappin'? We'll see a Republican vigorously defending the entire Bill of Rights before we'll see a quiet Tejano.
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Guilty as charged.
New Blaming Clinton and Gore for Enron
[link|http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/opinion/datelinedc/s_7142.html|Not an endorsement, just pointing out that this sort of thing cuts both ways]


Now we get to that old puzzle about chickens and eggs, and what came first! Ron Brown, Al Gore and Bill Clinton introduced Enron to market managers in Russia, China, Indonesia and India. In India, Enron quickly became involved in one of that country's most massive corruption investigations, contracts were canceled and Enron was out.

On the other hand, Enron introduced the Clinton team to Lippo Industries and thence to China's People's Liberation Army (a wonderful source of political cash), to John Huang, another good provider and to nameless, numberless Arabs who never arrived with empty pockets. If we look at a list of those attending coffee klatches at the White House, we can learn why a storm of doubtful deals enabled Enron to quickly control one-quarter of the world's electricity and natural gas. But, that wasn't enough. The ever-so-greedy Dumpty moved in to water deals in Massachusetts and Europe, paper mills in Canada, gas pipe lines throughout the world, fiber optics, television, mutual funds and information gathering. In turn, that led to risk analysis, a name that those clever Texans quickly changed to "reward realization!"

The rewards were good! Enron, with sales assistance from Tony Lake, then Clinton's national security adviser, persuaded the impoverished, war-torn country of Mozambique to sign a $770 million electric power contract. Mozambique signed because Tony's salesmanship was persuasive. If the Mozambicans didn't sign, he indicated that their congressionally approved $44 million U.S. aid payment would never be made.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New ::bitter chuckle::
If it wasn't so damn sad I'd be LMAO.

Look, I'm down here in the oil patch, right? Here's a clue for you: George Bush owes the Enron people *nothing*. Marlowe is right. If Enron owns anybody, it's the Democrats with the price tag on their butts.

Yeah, he and a bunch of others in the Administration probably own some stock. A friend on another forum was cheering the California energy crisis, because he owned Enron stock, and it was making him money. He's a retired cop who has now gone into truck driving. Another clue: the whole point is that _lots_ of people own stock! In Enron! In Exxon! In a lot of companies! Stock ownership -- it's not just for fatcats any more!

Bush, like most Republicans, tends to tilt toward the corporations. There are lots of bad things to say about that, some of them justified -- but at bottom, a corporation is just a way for people to get together and cooperate. How come the Defenders of Truth And Justice, a.k.a. the Guys who Really Won the Last Election, haven't generated some laws to see to it that that cooperation is done in a way that doesn't generate hardship for non-members? Because Democrats' understanding of economics is limited to "See money. Gimme some."

And the middle east nonsense currently on stage: George Bush made his [fairly modest] fortune here in the oil patch. Then, in the early Eighties, Saudi Arabia and OPEC shifted to their present strategy, which is simple: keep the price of oil just low enough to make it uneconomic for the United States to develop its own resources. It ruined a lot of people. The only Reagan-contributor fatcat I know personally is just fine, thank you; he had to trade in his LongRanger for a used JetRanger, poor fellow. Bush didn't get ruined, but he saw a very nice business vanish in '82-84; you think he's really got any soft spot for those people, or is really looking hard for foreign oil? Heh. If the ME thing was about oil, we'd be bombing the Saudi oil fields, and guys around here who used to be roughnecks, riggers, well loggers, etc. etc. would be grinning ear to ear at the prospect of giving up burger flipping for real jobs.

It ain't always as simple as it looks, folks.
New It's people like you
who just like to wreck things. Ya come in here with yer namby pamby common-sensical comments and..

And.. Ruin Things! {sheesh} Oh I could just {Arrggh - the Headache}

(Well of course.. ya still have that ridiculous idea that there are 'Democrats' and 'Republicans' and stuff. We can let that slide.. it's such a popular delusion, that)

Anyways.. this is a time for Unity. And that means utterly Polar Opposites: Good against Evil. Right [that's us, natch] against Wrong [and Left too - cover all the bases which blong to US].

FOR US? / agin US? <<< Choose. Wimps!

So just keep the common sensical stuff Zipped.. for the duration, OK? We aren't ready for truth and such - We Want to Win. {never Mind What, troublemaker}

A Concerned Member
Committee to Keep Political Speech Content-free
New ::sheepish::
Sorry, Ash.

As a severely humor-impaired person, I'm going on the assumption that that's straight, and not another hand 'im the wowser.

For what it's worth, I get, from time to time, just as exercised as you do -- I just don't have your lyricism. And sometimes I Just Don't Get It, and get hauled up short, with perfect justification.

As for US vs. Them -- Them picked it. I'm a bit of a militarist, as you've probably noticed. This has a curious effect: I'm not impressed by the ability to kill people. Killing people is easy; it happens all the time. A "weapon" is just a gadget for applying enough energy to overload the target's systems. By that definition, every participant in an industrial economy is oversupplied with weapons, starting with that 1.5 megagram bludgeon out there in the garage.

Pournelle pointed it out: the deaths at the WTC add up to, what, a month of trafic fatalities? -- nothing, in the general scheme of things. And the WTC buildings were already starting to give trouble, with noises being made of demolition or major repairs -- don't think they ever made much money. In the long run, blowing them up might be doing us a favor. As a nation, one of the things the United States is really good at is killing people -- Indians, Germans (twice), Japanese, Vietnamese. Wholesale lots, and with the reinstatement of the Marine Snipers and oh-so-quiet reactivation of sniper training, at retail. Value Added Death...

So I have trouble understanding people who are impressed by it. There's enough background distrust of the Government and Jews (quiet anti-Semitism) that the "Palestinian people" and the "Arab World" have had the total destruction of Israel in their grasp for fifty years. And they keep blowing it. Literally. No matter how liberal anyone might be, it's hard to be sympathetic to people who seem to like blowing up what can only be described as innocent bystanders. Never mind -- Osama bin Laden and the whole Wahabi sect have decided -- the Only Way[TM, pat. appl for] is to destroy the West.

I decline to be destroyed.

And if I'd like to have Ashcroft dressed in a robe and turban and dumped in the line at Dulles, well, chalk it up to a sense of irony. [Maybe I have some...]

But I get real, real tired of Left-Liberal cant. The Communists used to use the term "political maturity" -- that is, anyone who disagreed with them was doing so out of childish ignorance. The current Left-Liberal attitude seems to be that anyone who disagrees is doing so out of either stone stupidity or actual malice. On another forum we're discussing Michael Bellesisles, who as near as I can tell went ahead and made up reams of research out of whole cloth, simply because he was contemptuous of the "right" -- thought nobody would call him, because Left-Liberals would have no reason to, and the "right" was too stupid to figure it out. Didn't happen that way.

And I think a lot of the things corporations do, and are required or allowed to do, are open to huge challenges -- but I'd like to see the challenges made on real grounds, not by the Socialist mistake of conflating "corporation" with "rich person". Many, many of the problems we have with Corporate Behavior derive directly or indirectly from Leftist requirements for ever more and larger tax collections. Our taxes are taken strictly as money; in order to tax it, you have to value it, and in order to do that you have to put a price on it. The result is "knowing the price of everything, and the value of nothing", as the saying goes. Also known as the Law of Unintended Consequences.

In other words, It Ain't That Simple. All other slogans are either wrong or oversimplified; but sometimes you need simple.
New With you on enough of that..
'It' #*^@#%#$ well Isn't simple! but the arbitrary polarization never helps either -- most so-called -erals or -atives I've ever met, have highly intermixed fav gripes - overall ranking from Fascist through Pollyanna - with local stops at various kinds of fetishism (through osmosis of the prevailing Puritan swamp gas?).

Yup too re 'counting the dead' (so as to set the fuzing on your versatile nuke [most nowadays have little er adjustments like that] between stun and puree?) is another kind of silliness.

Festering under all the latest film noir stimulus/response: our utter unsuitability ever to have embarked upon playing (on Tee Vee) I'll Be Your Imperialist Power this evening, for your Comfort&Convenience.

We lack the panache, the saviore faire and - the good lines.. I mean: War against Evil ??? Give. Me. A. Brake.

So I guess all we can do is, play it by ear - day by excruciating day of bad prose and squinty-eyed teleprompter readers. Y'know?

W.C. Fieldmouse

Just lookin fer loopholes, son .. lookin fer loopholes
New Arther Anderson weasels out...
which doesn't surprise me. (It's what I would've done as a contractor)...

The chief executive of accounting firm Andersen in congressional testimony on Wednesday said
Enron Corp. hid crucial information from its auditors that went to the heart of the energy trader's collapse.

[link|http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/politics/politics-utilities-enron-auditor.html?ex=1009180767&ei=1&en=d176262e5db655bb| NY Times ] (free reg...blah blah blah - saw it on CNN too....just don't have the link.)
     Incest and Corruption, Texas Style - (altmann) - (37)
         Don't worry...we'll bail them out. - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
             Left out a couple of words, didn't you? - (jb4)
         Another Enron post... - (bepatient) - (17)
             What it would take - (Ashton) - (8)
                 Ridiculous...laughable... (sorry...me speelt it wrong) - (bepatient) - (7)
                     Many thanks. - (Another Scott)
                     It's incomparable? - (Simon_Jester) - (5)
                         To implicate direct involvement -NT - (bepatient) - (4)
                             Didn't Cheney have those energy policy meetings... - (Simon_Jester) - (3)
                                 And.. - (bepatient) - (2)
                                     And you are burying your head in the sand. - (Silverlock) - (1)
                                         What...keep playing the... - (bepatient)
             Is that what you meant? - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                 Nope... - (bepatient)
             the ties from enron board members working at - (boxley) - (5)
                 Damn... - (bepatient) - (4)
                     do you know how much omar was paid to NOT hand - (boxley) - (3)
                         Wow Box...these are good ones... - (bepatient) - (2)
                             2 arkansas state troopers swear to it all :) zing! -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                 Rim shot ;-) -NT - (bepatient)
         Eh? - (wharris2) - (8)
             Eh? Eh? - (jb4) - (2)
                 Oh yeah... - (bepatient) - (1)
                     So... - (jb4)
             Actually, check Enron's records... - (Simon_Jester) - (4)
                 If so, it's more than insider trading... - (a6l6e6x) - (3)
                     Selling the stock... - (bepatient) - (1)
                         Hope that audit firm takes a big hit - (wharris2)
                     Auditors - (Decco Dave)
         Fat fscking chance... - (jb4) - (1)
             Guilty as charged. -NT - (Ric Locke)
         Blaming Clinton and Gore for Enron - (marlowe) - (4)
             ::bitter chuckle:: - (Ric Locke) - (3)
                 It's people like you - (Ashton) - (2)
                     ::sheepish:: - (Ric Locke) - (1)
                         With you on enough of that.. - (Ashton)
         Arther Anderson weasels out... - (Simon_Jester)

Hitotsu, futatsu, mittsu, yottsu.
119 ms