If the path to FC3 had taken me via FC2, things might well have gone differently, but at the time, friends who knew better waved me off of FC1 and FC2. They were split on whether Suse, Debian, Gentoo, or *cough* FreeBSD was the better next step from RH9. (Getting a couple of Debian and FreeBSD guys into a "discussion" is almost as much fun as an emacs vs. vi argument.) Then we began updating our work boxes from RH9 to FC3 and that settled it.
I went back and looked to see how I could have missed any mention of SELinux. It's not mentioned in either of the two most recent books I have on hand, ([link|http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linuxckbk/|Linux Cookbook] and [link|http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linuxsvrhack/|Linux Server Hacks]), nor in [link|http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/runux4/|Running Linux], though mine is 2nd edition, and should probably get recycled to recover the shelf space.
SELinux is mentioned in the [link|http://www.fedorafaq.org/|Unofficial Fedora FAQ], (the official source for "how do I play my MP3?" questions), but in a dismissive way in a footnote.
Once you know what word to search on, though, there's plenty of info available. Go figure.