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New During the Fedora install process...

You're given the choice of how you'd like SELinux set up: off, warn on potentially unsafe activity, or deny unsafe activity. The 'warn' option, IIRC, is the default; if you choose to have it outright deny stuff, the installer tells you up-front that this is likely to prevent certain programs from working and that if you encounter problems you should turn off SELinux.


Looking at screenshots of the install, it looks like this only comes up when you do a custom installation. Which, really, is the only sane way to install Fedora.

--\r\nYou cooin' with my bird?
Collapse Edited by ubernostrum March 26, 2005, 06:06:19 AM EST
During the Fedora install process...

You're given the choice of how you'd like SELinux set up: off, warn on potentially unsafe activity, or deny unsafe activity. The 'warn' option, IIRC, is the default; if you choose to have it outright deny stuff, the installer tells you up-front that this is likely to prevent certain programs from working and that if you encounter problems you should turn off SELinux.

-- You cooin' with my bird?
     Fedora Core 3 vs your Apache/Unix expectations - (ben_tilly) - (46)
         What a whiner. - (broomberg) - (39)
             If you know that it is the issue -NT - (ben_tilly) - (27)
                 The old chestnut about the retired guru - (drewk) - (25)
                     Nah - (broomberg) - (24)
                         You're being an asshole. Inappropriately. - (ben_tilly) - (23)
                             Oh boy, I've insulted a saint - (broomberg) - (14)
                                 How many machines have you installed/tweaked lately? - (ben_tilly) - (13)
                                     And now you've hit another of my hot buttons - (broomberg) - (12)
                                         That's getting to be like a game - (ben_tilly)
                                         Re: And now you've hit another of my hot buttons - (dws) - (10)
                                             3rd(?) Post and... - (pwhysall)
                                             Reading for comprehension - (broomberg) - (8)
                                                 AHHHhhhh. - (folkert) - (7)
                                                     Machismo? - (broomberg) - (6)
                                                         But can you wear boots? -NT - (drewk) - (5)
                                                             How did you get an 'NT' flag? - (broomberg) - (4)
                                                                 Easy. -NT - (Another Scott) - (3)
                                                                     arrg let him figger it out himself!! -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                                                                         A boxley blog? Somehow, I don't think that's a good thing.. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                                                             easy blog, just link back to here -NT - (boxley)
                             No, no he isn't. He's being realistic. - (folkert) - (6)
                                 Why yes, I do - (ben_tilly) - (5)
                                     And why should we believe you? - (drewk) - (3)
                                         Or there is no such thing as 2 5ths in an ordered list! - (broomberg) - (1)
                                             /me ROTFLMAO -NT - (folkert)
                                         Gah -NT - (ben_tilly)
                                     I liked the original version better. ;-j -NT - (Another Scott)
                             Did he find the problem? - (boxley)
                 During the Fedora install process... - (ubernostrum)
             Re: What a whiner. - (dws) - (10)
                 No whiner - I was wrong - (broomberg) - (9)
                     No worries - (dws) - (2)
                         BTW, from one whom usually - (folkert)
                         ICLRPD - (ben_tilly)
                     Oops - (dws) - (5)
                         You found it. - (Another Scott)
                         *Z* is forever... FOREVAR! HAHAHAHAHH! -NT - (folkert)
                         No delete - (broomberg) - (2)
                             hew-haw, hee-haw.... :-P -NT - (folkert)
                             Boy I'm glad - (imric)
         Moron - (broomberg) - (4)
             Let's see - (jake123)
             Yes, I know him. You're complete offbase. - (ben_tilly)
             Re: Moron - (dws) - (1)
                 Hey, that's not what your blog says! - (broomberg)
         Well, it is official... on CNET. - (folkert)

It's like you ran OCR on a photo of a Scrabble board from a game where JavaScript reserved words counted for triple points.
58 ms