I (and most other people) have more chances of dying from cancer, heart disease, or just plain getting squashed in an automobile crash than from AIDS.
I have more chances of dying from a dozen other things, even if I engaged in unprotected sex every day of the week for the rest of my life. (Maybe I underexaggerate. It may be six dozen other things.)
Unprotected sex or needle infection is the leading cause of AIDS infection. It can be transmitted via heterosexual sex. But that's the exception. Are people here claiming that AIDS is an epidemic that is not entirely based on their own choices? Talk to me.
AIDS spreads via intercourse (usually homosexual) or direct blood infection. Unless it's one of the few who got infected via contaminated blood, it was a risk they took by the lifestyle they chose. You can't get it via kissing someone. You can't get it by breathing the air. You get it by sex. You get it by having sex with someone who already has it. You get it by having sex with someone who has had sex with someone else who has it. You get it by having sex with someone who has had, at best, one other sex partner who has themselves also had sex with at least one other partner.
Monogamous homosexuals don't get AIDS. Monogamous heterosexuals don't get AIDS.If you think that's a hateful attitude, well, that's not my problem.